8th Annual Girl Speak Out: “Closing the Digital Divide to Accelerate Opportunity”
October 11, 2021 at 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
- This event has passed.
Loretto at the UN and the Working Group on Girls invites you to the 8th Annual Girl Speak Out: “Closing the Digital Divide to Accelerate Opportunity”
- When: Monday, October 11, 10am-12pm EST
- What: Join us as we seek to place girls’ voices front and center. To share their experiences, to listen to a diversity of girls to hear what they need, and to partner with them and key stakeholders in highlighting sustainable and innovative solutions to issues that they face. Follow the Day of the Girl Summit on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the campaign. #IDGxWGG #11DaysofAction #IDG2021
Where: Register for the event here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-day-of-the-girl-2021-girls-speak-out-tickets-169170328005
This is a virtual event