

Thoughtful and engaging news stories of interest to the Loretto Community and friends.

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Charles Nerinckx and Loretto Transcending boundaries

By Annie Stevens CoL / May 1, 2024 /
An archival black and white image of a man, Charles Nerinckx.

Two centuries after his death in 1824, Reverend Charles Nerinckx, priest-founder of Loretto, is commemorated in a cover essay I was invited to write for American Catholic Studies journal. With…

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Relationships of repair revisited

By Libby Comeaux CoL / May 1, 2024 /
Two women conversing while sitting indoors at an event, one woman is holding a microphone.

The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope. Teihard de Chardin In June 2023, those in the Loretto Community who had been working on issues…

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What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy SL / May 1, 2024 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

We probably will never finish exploring the rich sources of interest and meaning from the recent Loretto Link Gathering in St. Louis in February. Every time I read the summary…

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Reflections at the start of CSW68

By Beth Blissman CoL / April 1, 2024 /
Nine women smiling together for a group selfie indoors at a social event.

At the end of last week we observed International Women’s Day, which got me to wondering. What might it feel like if every day was International Women’s Day? What if…

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Loretto stands up for peace… Loretto marches for dignity

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2024 /
A woman smiling brightly wearing a warm jacket outdoors with her hand on a large poster sign amongst a crowd.

By Loretto Communications staff Loretto Community members have taken part in recent activities promoting peace and justice in Gaza. Susan Classen and JoAnn Gates represented Loretto at a Mennonite-led peace…

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Keeping hope alive in Pakistan

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2024 /
Three women smiling together for a picture with others distracted behind them. They are outdoors on a sunny day, and two of the women are holding bowls of clay on their heads.

By Nasreen Daniel and Maribah Nasreen writes: Pakistan has 2.3 million people, or around one percent of the population, working in conditions it labels modern slavery. The most common form…

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Carbon reduction award goes to Haiti

By Joy Jensen SL / March 1, 2024 /
A split blue and green leaf graphic.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with a socioeconomic condition plagued by political instability. Loretto’s Carbon Reduction Fund awarded $500 to the Association of Peasants of Fondwa…

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Loretto Link meeting a success

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2024 /
A woman with short grey hair and glasses laughing candidly while speaking into a microphone at her hand while she stands at an indoor social event where others around her are sitting at tables.

The Loretto Link meeting in St. Louis in January, the second in-person meeting since Link’s inception five-plus years ago, was a rousing success! One of the highlights was a presentation…

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A lifelong dream comes true

By Eleanor Craig SL / March 1, 2024 /
A black and white headshot picture of a woman with short, light-colored hair and oval-framed glasses smiling brightly wearing a white and floral patterned shirt in front of a plain background.

It was Aug. 15, 1980, and a novice was pronouncing her first vows at Loretto Motherhouse as so many had done before her, except … the ceremony was held in…

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What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy SL / March 1, 2024 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

At the Link gathering in St. Louis, Jean East opened one of the sessions with this quote: “Loretto Link is engaging in emergence … which is being in right relationship…

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The early: Grassroots desegregation at Webster College

By Annie Stevens CoL / March 1, 2024 /
A black and white headshot picture of a young woman with straight black hair with bangs. She is smiling brightly in front of a plain background.

As part of my Loretto Roots research in the spring of 2022, I read Professor Shannen Dee Williams’s new book, “Subversive Habits: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American…

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Lunch and laughter for Loretto Leaders and Loretto Community members

By Regina Drey SL / March 1, 2024 /
A large group picture of a wide variety of ages sitting and standing together for a group picture indoors. They are wearing name tags.

A delightful lunch in January was a much-anticipated opportunity for the fourth- and fifth-grade Loretto Leaders at St. Mary’s Academy in Denver to enjoy the company of 10 sisters and…

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