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Loretto Justice Fellowship

Two hands hold a bright flame next to the words "Loretto Justice Fellowship"

The Loretto Justice Fellowship program is our response to calls for new strategies and priorities across the social justice landscape, shifting needs of young people and transitions in religious communities. The Fellowship model is an innovative, community-responsive evolution of traditional faith-based service. The model arose from shared values expressed by stakeholders:

  • Loretto Mission + Values – responding to the needs of the times | carrying forward values and mission work of both the Loretto Volunteer Program and the Loretto Community into the contemporary social justice landscape
  • Equity, Inclusion, Liberation – enabling greater access to, inclusion of and support for individuals and communities of color, as well as those that hold other marginalized identities
  • Centering the Needs of Local Placement Site Partner Organizations + Local Communities – supporting sustained, longer term relationships and skills-alignment between participants, placement site work and local communities | investing in and partnering with the next generation of social justice leaders within communities
  • Community – cultivating flexible, creative, inclusive approaches to community among participants, Loretto Community members and others

The program is supported by the Loretto Community, Loretto Link and AmeriCorps.

Loretto Justice Fellowship

The Loretto Justice Fellowship program, launched in El Paso in 2023, is a collaborative program in partnership with local universities and social justice organizations. Centering local leadership in the pursuit of systemic change, the Fellowship invests in, partners with and empowers students through their personal and professional journeys in justice. The 24/25 program commitments and benefits include:

  • Social Justice Work Experience + Education Support
    • Program participation term: 2 semesters
    • Paid internship ($5,400 stipend/academic year) 
    • 10-20 internship hours/week (480 internship hours/academic year), role descriptions are approved by university patterns and developed with placement sites to provide meaningful support to their teams
    • Supervision + mentorship in collaboration with placement site + university partners
    • Education Award funds ($4,500) to support current + future tuition costs or to pay down student debt
  • Holistic Support + Community Life
    • Regular in-person and virtual community offerings for Fellowship participants
      • Peer collaborative learning, sharing and support
      • Professional development
      • Personal reflection, mental wellness + self-care
      • One-on-one staff support
      • Loretto Community connections – local and virtual | mentorship, networking, community
    • Local Retreats
    • Advocacy, activism or presentation/call to action to Loretto Community or in collaboration with Loretto Community/Committees

To learn more about the Loretto Justice Fellowship or to apply, contact Program Director Annie Rosenkranz through the form below.  You can also visit this page for updates, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and join our mailing to receive updates from the Loretto Justice Fellowship, including promotional materials, application instructions, placement site partnership information, photos and stories from participants, and more.

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