Loretto’s two peace committees take small & large steps to cultivate peace
Posted on May 20, 2024, by Loretto Community

Photo by Donna Mattingly SL
The Loretto Motherhouse Peace Committee reactivated this past summer after having had to pause during the early pandemic. Taking small steps for justice is an important way to cultivate a culture of peace on the Motherhouse campus and throughout the region in concert with the Motherhouse’s large network of advocates, committee members agree. Some of the Motherhouse Peace Committee’s small steps to date include installing a new peace pole and surrounding it with colorful windmills to convey the group’s desire to turn weapons to windmills. The committee also collaborated with activists in Louisville in organizing a Lenten peace vigil calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The vigil took place on the steps of the Federal Building in front of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office.
The Loretto Committee for Peace includes Motherhouse Peace Committee members and other members from throughout Loretto. This committee takes actions that represent the Loretto Community and educates members and friends on issues and steps that can be taken to make peace. This group collaborates wherever it can. Both peace committees pray for peace.
In Kentucky, the Motherhouse Peace Committee collaborated with the Loretto Peace Committee to create and publish a full-page ad calling for peace and a ceasefire between Gaza and Israel in two local newspapers. The committee celebrated Black History Month with members of the First Baptist Church and the NAACP in Lebanon. It joined with the Democratic Women’s Club of Washington County in making and waving signs promoting women’s rights, transgender rights, housing and other just causes. It also organized and hosted a candidates’ night for two women running for Circuit Court Clerk primary election.
Its members are now taking part in the “Vote Forward” project, a nonprofit initiative that empowers volunteers to send handwritten letters to fellow Americans encouraging them to vote. To date, 1,100 letters have been written at the Motherhouse. In addition, in the near future, the group hopes to host a candidates’ forum for those running for Congress.
Like the Loretto Committee for Peace, the Loretto Motherhouse Peace Committee has enjoyed the Community’s support for its work, and looks forward to other opportunities to promote peace. Both invite all to study the issues, take action as possible and join with them in praying for peace.
As Pope Francis recently tweeted, “We are called to be missionaries of #Peace. This choice will give us peace. It means making space in our hearts for all, and believing that differences are not obstacles, that others are our brothers and sisters, and that the peace Jesus brought into the world is meant for all.”