As Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross, we are called to care for Earth in its pain, to celebrate its beauty, and to create space for its healing. Recognizing our role as one of interdependent partnership with all Creation has been part of Loretto’s mission throughout our history. We reaffirmed our commitment to resist systems and conditions that violate Earth and all species in 2018, calling ourselves to “significantly mitigate our impact on climate change and ecological degradation.” We invite any who are interested to join with us on this journey of ecological conversion.

Loretto’s commitment to work for justice and act for peace extends not only to our human family, but to all species and Earth. In standing in solidarity with Earth, we seek changes at the individual, institutional and societal levels. From minimizing personal consumption to divesting from fossil fuels to advocating for infrastructure and legislation that promotes climate justice and cooperative economics, we continually discern — and then take — next steps to evolve in solidarity with Earth.
On October 1, 2021, Loretto announced its commitment to participate in the Laudato Si’ platform, saying “As Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross, called to bring the healing spirit of God into our world, the Loretto Community joins the Laudato Si’ Action Platform on a journey toward integral ecology.”
Loretto Earth Network
The Loretto Earth Network, established in 1990, is dedicated to re-establishing right relationships between the human community and the Earth community. Members seek ways to move away from habits of dominance and submission to participate in the healing and transformation of the total Earth community. To find out more about LEN, please contact us through the form at the bottom of the page.

Loretto Motherhouse Nature Preserve Cemetery
The Loretto Motherhouse Nature Preserve Cemetery is a 6-acre grassland and woodland natural burial site. No harmful chemicals, concrete or other lasting materials are used in the burial processes.
Loretto Motherhouse Farm
The Loretto Motherhouse Farm in Nerinx, Ky., holds much of the Community’s history, present life and future. We manage our working farm, woodlands and native grasslands to increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat, restore Earth’s natural systems and bring balance to the human–Earth relationship.
Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund
The Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund provides funding to Loretto-connected projects that will prevent the release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere or that will draw down emissions from the atmosphere. As we seek ways to live more lightly on Earth and lower our emissions, this fund provides a way to responsibly deal with emissions until we are able to prevent them.
The Loretto Community has created a variety of resources for Earth Education and Advocacy that are available for use by anyone. We simply ask that you provide appropriate credit when using them.

Contact Us
The Loretto Community welcomes collaboration with individuals and communities who are exploring what it means to live responsibly and in right relationship with Earth. If you would like more information about our current efforts or would like to connect and journey on this path together, please contact us through the form below: