
Laudato Si’

“All is not lost. Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start.” (Laudato Si’, #207)

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is “a space for institutions, communities and families to learn and grow together as we journey toward full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology.” The science is clear: The current climate crisis, inextricably linked with other crises of human displacement and social disruption, is caused by humans. We are complicit in the destruction of the world we hold so dearly. However, as Laudato Si’ reminds us, hope is not lost. While some damage is irreversible, there is still much that can be reversed and saved. Our task now is to decide what we want our role to be in this movement.

The Loretto Community has signed on to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Will you join us on this journey as we more deeply examine ourselves and stand in solidarity with others worldwide to restore Earth and reverse the imbalances that have led to this crisis?

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Living Laudato Si’ – daily!

By Loretto Community / July 1, 2024 /
Graphic representing the 7 goals of Laudato Si'

The Loretto Community is committed to participating in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, and many of the Loretto schools have done the same. Liz Deines SL, acting campus minister at…

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Join Loretto, Loretto-affiliated schools and others working to heal Earth

By Loretto Community / February 26, 2024 /

Laudate Deum is a call to heed the gravity of the moment and undertake change before it is too late for Earth and life on Earth. The pope urges us…

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Loretto Magazine – Winter 2024

By Loretto Community / February 20, 2024 /
Cover of Loretto Magazine winter 2024. Photo of seven women posing together on the front steps of a building. Text at the top reads: Inside... Loretto's new Justice Fellowship program, Loretto welcomes migrants, Pioneers at Loretto Heights College ... and more

Download Read Loretto Magazine Loretto Spotlight Video – Annie Rosenkranz A letter from Loretto President Barbara Nicholas SL As I write, it is certainly wintertime here in North America. The…

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Loretto heeds the pope’s latest urgent plea on behalf of Earth and all life

By Loretto Community / February 20, 2024 /
A sprawling green field of grass landscape on a bright blue day with scattered clouds in the sky as a yellow flower pops up on the left side.

Loretto learned about Laudate Deum, Pope Francis’s follow-up to his encyclical, Laudato Si’, at its October 2023 Community Gathering. Laudate Deum is a call to heed the gravity of the…

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Loretto at the UN represents at the United Nations Climate Talks

By Loretto Community / December 8, 2023 /

The United Nations Climate Talks (COP28) are taking place Nov. 30 – Dec. 12 in Dubai City, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Loretto at the UN has coordinated a virtual…

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Recipients of Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund help heal and balance Earth’s natural ecosystems

By Loretto Community / November 6, 2023 /
Banner reading "The future of planet Earth is in our hands."

Since our lives cannot be lived apart from the rest of creation that sustains us, might it be that living in Christ will mean living in communion with the Word…

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Loretto Academy, El Paso, lives out Laudato Si’ principles as Laudato Si’ school

By Loretto Community / July 28, 2023 /
Group shot of participants at a outside work day at Loretto Academy in El Paso, TX

On July 25, 2022, Loretto Academy in El Paso, Texas, in solidarity with the Loretto Community, signed on to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and took the first steps on…

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The True Cost of the Paper We Use

By Loretto Community / June 21, 2023 /

The Loretto Community has taken up Pope Francis’s call. In 2018 he said, “Get rid of useless baggage,” referring to empty chatter and harmful consumerism. Laudato Si’ calls on us to use less…

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Loretto protects generous swath of land at the Motherhouse in Kentucky

By Loretto Community / June 19, 2023 /
Clouds glow pink and orange in a navy sky, as a house and trees are silhouetted against the fading glow of dusk.

The Loretto Community has long been committed to caring for Earth Barbara Nicholas SL, president of the Loretto Community The Loretto Community has entered into an agreement with Bluegrass Land…

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Sisters of Loretto permanently protect 650 acres in Marion County, Ky.

By Loretto Community / January 18, 2023 /
Close-up photo of a field of yellow flowers in bloom.

NERINX, KY – The Sisters of Loretto today, Jan. 18, signed an historic agreement with the Bluegrass Land Conservancy to conserve more than 650 acres of the congregation’s nearly 800-acre…

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An Advent Invitation To Support Loretto’s Work for Peace And Justice

By Loretto Community / November 28, 2022 /
A woman with her hands clasped in gratitude in front of her stands next to a donation box in a chapel.

First Sunday of Advent: The Season of Eternal Newness Pope Francis prays:  Son of God, Jesus, through you all things were made. You were formed in the womb of Mary…

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“The Letter” documentary – Screening and Discussion

By Loretto Community / November 16, 2022 /
Banner reading "The future of planet Earth is in our hands."

Please join us for a Communitywide screening and discussion of “The Letter,” a new documentary from the Laudato Si’ Movement on the personal invitation Pope Francis issued to each of…

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