Home » Features » Recipients of Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund help heal and balance Earth’s natural ecosystems

Recipients of Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund help heal and balance Earth’s natural ecosystems

Posted on November 6, 2023, by Loretto Community

Banner by Robert Strobridge CoL

Since our lives cannot be lived apart from the rest of creation that sustains us, might it be that living in Christ will mean living in communion with the Word that permeates the whole of creation … then creation will be viewed with reverence, held not just as God’s gift to us, but as holy in its own right.

Elaine Marie Prevallet SL, “Where is Your God?” Weavings, July 2008

What is the future we create for the planet? What makes for the well-being of the whole? These are questions that will never go away. How can we be part of the rescue plan of Earth?

Five people holding garden tools pose for a photo with two newly planted trees in a community garden.
Staff and volunteers from Sacred Earth Community Garden planting trees in Louisville, Ky.
Photo courtesy of Sacred Earth Community Garden

Loretto’s Carbon Reduction Fund provides financial resources to Loretto and Loretto-connected projects that help in the following ways:

  • Prevent the output of greenhouse gas (ghg) into the atmosphere (e.g. the installation of solar panels, or a charging station for an electric car),
  • Replenish Earth by sequestering ghg emissions from the atmosphere (e.g. the planting of trees and deep-rooted plants and grasses),
  • Provide education on carbon emissions/ghg reduction and prevention
  • Secure infrastructure, equipment and support needed for the health of planting (e.g. irrigation, fencing, tools, an arborist, etc.)

Funds are distributed in a way that has the most positive impact on people and places that are suffering from climate disaster.

This week on Loretto’s Facebook page, we will highlight examples of how the Loretto Carbon Reduction Fund is making a difference in the world today.

Loretto Community

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