Working for justice and acting for peace since 1812

The Loretto Community

We are the Congregation of the Sisters of Loretto and Loretto Co-members. We work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.

Loretto's transfer of governance took place on Sept 15, 2024 at a celebratory mass during which the outgoing leadership team was honored and the new Loretto leadership team was installed. Read more on this week's web post and social media.

Living our mission

Our priority concerns are immigration justice, care for Earth and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Loretto Community members work for justice and act for peace in the United States, at the United Nations and around the world, including in education, healthcare, spiritual accompaniment, the empowerment of women, environmental stewardship, anti-discrimination, land acknowledgement and advocacy.

How We Serve for Home Page
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    The heart of our Community

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    Heritage Center and Archives

    Museum and History

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    Our History

    Mission grounded in the Gospel

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    Retreat Centers

    Welcoming, reflective spaces for individuals and groups

  • An image of a seedling

    Farm and Land

    Working farm, woods and land

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Global Loretto

We serve throughout the United States, in addition to our missions and partnerships in Pakistan, Ghana and Guatemala.

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Outgoing Loretto President Barbara Nicholas, in one of her recent communications, observed that as she was winding down her sixth and final year in the Office of President a quote from I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, had been particularly meaningful to her: “... we strive to bring the healing Spirit of God into our world and we commit ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression and deprivation of dignity. In this way, we participate in the church’s mission of proclaiming the transforming love of God.” (#33) These profound and inspiring words, she said, “serve the Loretto Community as a guide for our lives.” Thank you, Barbara, and all Loretto leadership, outgoing and newly elected, for your never-ending efforts to bring these words to life. Let Loretto Be Loretto Forever!

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Outgoing Loretto President Barbara Nicholas, in one of her recent communications, observed that as she was winding down her sixth and final year in the Office of President a quote from I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, had been particularly meaningful to her: “... we strive to bring the healing Spirit of God into our world and we commit ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression and deprivation of dignity. In this way, we participate in the church’s mission of proclaiming the transforming love of God.” (#33) These profound and inspiring words, she said, “serve the Loretto Community as a guide for our lives.” Thank you, Barbara, and all Loretto leadership, outgoing and newly elected, for your never-ending efforts to bring these words to life. Let Loretto Be Loretto Forever!

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2 CommentsComment on Facebook

God bless you Sister B!🙏❤️💕

Great lady!

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