Home » Features » Loretto’s 2024 Assembly, July 5-10

Loretto’s 2024 Assembly, July 5-10

Posted on July 1, 2024, by Loretto Community

Loretto’s 2024 Assembly begins this week and continues in the next. We invite you to join Community members in the following prayer (early and often!) for Loretto in preparation for and during the Assembly.

Prayer for Loretto Community Members As the Loretto Community Prepares for the Upcoming Assembly

Most loving and magnificent God, Creator of stars and tiny dust specks… how wonderful you are! You are loving action at its best. Through your word all things came into being, bound in love, and set for a purpose.

In your wisdom and infinite kindness we ask you to pour your Spirit upon us as we, together, deliberate our path forward. Keep our hearts and minds safe within your care and provide us your perfect guidance.

Give us courage and focused determination as we take to heart the words of Fr. Nerinckx, “Never forsake Providence and Providence will never forsake you.”

We ask this and all things in the Name of Jesus, in the Power of the Spirit and in Your Presence our most loving and magnificent God.

Written by Liz Deines SL


Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.
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