

Each member of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross is “co-responsible for creating a community which is beneficial for all; for maturing in adult faith and effective ministry,..; and for making use of opportunities which add new depth to our formation in Christ.” Learn more about the Sisters of Loretto.

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With a song in our hearts: Loretto loves music!

By Loretto Community / July 22, 2024 /
Two women sing their hearts out in front of microphones and music stands.

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do! Loretto loves music! All kinds of music. Loretto loves popular music and old songs that touch our hearts. Loretto loves jazz. Loretto…

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Loretto Community’s new leadership to take office September 15

By Loretto Community / July 11, 2024 /

The Sisters of Loretto elected Sister Mary E. “Buffy” Boesen SL as the congregation’s next president during its July 5-10 Delegate Assembly in Louisville, Ky. Sister Buffy will take office…

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Loretto’s 2024 Assembly, July 5-10

By Loretto Community / July 1, 2024 /

Loretto’s 2024 Assembly begins this week and continues in the next. We invite you to join Community members in the following prayer (early and often!) for Loretto in preparation for…

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In celebration of new life for Loretto & newly professed Sister Maribah Ishaq SL!

By Loretto Community / June 24, 2024 /
An older woman in white looks on as a younger woman with dark hair and traditional Pakistani clothing signs a document on an altar.

New life. This phrase evokes so many wonderful images of emerging life  — butterflies unfolding from cocoons, seeds sprouting new green life, tulips awakening after a long winter’s sleep. But…

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Jeannine Gramick SL meets with Pope Francis in Rome

By Loretto Community / June 24, 2024 /
A photo of the Pope with a religious sister in habit standing next to him smiling.

Jeannine Gramick SL and friends from New Ways Ministry, the organization she co-founded to support LGBTQ+ persons, traveled to Rome last October to meet with Pope Francis. Jeannine and the…

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Our hearts are full: Welcoming a new Loretto sister in Pakistan

By Nasreen Daniel SL / June 24, 2024 /
A Pakistani sister of Loretto is shown reading a bible passage wearing an intricately patterned outfit.

The new sister becomes a thread in the intricate design of our congregation, weaving her story into the larger narrative of faith, devotion and fellowship. Nasreen Daniel SL In the…

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Loretto Community members and students bond

By Loretto Community / June 24, 2024 /
A high school student with big black round glasses and braids smiles softly while wearing a dark purple sweatshirt

Sister of Loretto and teen cherish their connection This has been a very positive opportunity for conversation with the younger generation. Maria Visse SL meets with St. Mary’s Academy student…

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Doctor follows in Ann Manganaro SL’s footsteps, serves in Central America

By Loretto Community / June 24, 2024 /
A pediatrician reaches over a student to show him how to examine an eardrum of a patient.

By Lauri Pramuk, M.D. Inspired by the story of Ann Manganaro SL and her commitment as a pediatrician to the people of El Salvador, in 2020 I helped open a…

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Sister Maribah Ishaq makes first vows as Loretto Sister

By Loretto Community / June 12, 2024 /

Published by The Record on June 11, 2024 Thirty-two year old Sister of Loretto Maribah Ishaq will profess her first vows on June 23. She will commit herself to the…

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2024 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / June 11, 2024 /
Yellow and black butterfly sitting on a milkweed plant.

80th Jubilee 70th Jubilee 65th Jubilee 50th – Golden Jubilee 25th – Silver Jubilee 80th Jubilee Kathleen Tighe SL Kathleen Tighe was received into Loretto on April 25, 1944, following…

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Loretto’s 2024 Jubilarians: Celebrating with abundant hope!

By Loretto Community / June 10, 2024 /
Archival photo of the 1949 Loretto Heights College reception class - eleven women in habits posing for a photo with joyous expressions on their faces.

In John’s Gospel, you can read the story of Jesus talking with some of his followers: “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?”…

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Loretto spiritual directors help others notice God’s grace, accept it, celebrate it

By Loretto Community / May 31, 2024 /
Three women pose together for a photo.

There are no unimportant moments in any lifetime. All are precious gifts of opportunity to know and serve the One who made us and continues to call us throughout our…

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