Loretto’s 2024 Jubilarians: Celebrating with abundant hope!
Posted on June 10, 2024, by Loretto Community

Photo courtesy of Loretto Archives
In John’s Gospel, you can read the story of Jesus talking with some of his followers: “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” And Jesus replied to them, “Come and See.” I Am the Way, the Constitutions of the Sisters of Loretto, uses that quote to begin the chapter on vocations. The jubilarians we celebrate this year know the living out of that invitation from Jesus very well. Each of them answered the call to “Come and See.”
Congratulations to all those celebrating significant jubilees in 2024!:
- 80th – Kathleen Tighe SL
- 70th – Pat McCormick SL, Margaret Quayhagen SL and Agnes Ann Schum SL
- 65th – Denise Ann Clifford SL, Jeanne Dueber SL, Roberta Hudlow SL, Eileen Kersgieter SL, Vicki Schwartz SL, Marlene Spero SL and Mary Swain SL
- 50th – Mary Bundy CoL
- 25th – Libby Comeaux CoL, JoAnn Gates CoL, Karen Knoll CoL and Alicia Zapata CoL.
Whether it be 80 years, or 70, 65, 50 or 25, the Sisters and Co-members we celebrate and honor this week and next on our website and Loretto’s Facebook page did, indeed, come and see Loretto. And as they looked around at our mission of giving loving service, they began to realize what part they could play in giving of themselves to community and to carry out the mission to love as Jesus loves.
The jubilarians’ response to “Come and See” happened many years ago, but their answer never changes, yet always deepens. With abundant hope, you will see them: serving on Loretto committees, serving in leadership capacities, speaking up in their Community groups and at prayer in the Loretto chapel and at their parish.
Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford wrote to her niece with a call that speaks to all of us: “I hope you find that which gives deep meaning for you. Something worth living for – maybe ever worth dying for – something that energizes you, enthuses you and enables you to keep moving ahead. I can’t tell you what that might be. That’s for you to find, to choose, to love.”
Loretto jubilarians have found that which they have chosen to love. We congratulate them all and thank them for what they have given to Loretto and to all that Loretto serves.
You can read profiles of each of our wonderful Jubilarians here.