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Loretto Community members and students bond

Posted on June 24, 2024, by Loretto Community

Sister of Loretto and teen cherish their connection

An older woman with short grey hair and small hoop earrings has her hand on her chin and looks inquisitively at the camera.
Photo: Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas

This has been a very positive opportunity for conversation with the younger generation.

Maria Visse SL

Maria Visse SL meets with St. Mary’s Academy student Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas online. The weekly meetings, ongoing for four years, have been treasured by each.

A student with big glasses and her hair in two braids, ear buds and a maroon sweatshirt looks into the camera.
Photo: Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas

Not many teenagers have the opportunity to speak with someone like Sister Maria.

Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas

Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas, a student at St. Mary’s Academy in Denver, and Maria Visse SL, a resident at Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky., started meeting when Nastasia was in search of a service learning project during the Covid-19 shutdown. This led to weekly conversations throughout her high school years. Nastasia, a graduating senior, plans to attend college outside of her home state of Colorado, majoring in astrophysics. She says her conversations with Maria have taught her the importance of hearing the perspective of elders and of humbly listening, allowing others to be heard. She believes bridging the gap between generations would lead to a brighter future for all. Nastasia writes about the meetings and how they have impacted her:

“Nearly every Friday Sister Maria and I meet via Zoom to check in with each other and discuss how our week has been. I usually ask her what is new at the Loretto Motherhouse. For example, recently she told me that the old tobacco barn is being renovated, and around Christmas time, we spoke about the Christmas train that she sets up at the Motherhouse every year.

A high school student with big black round glasses and braids smiles softly while wearing a dark purple sweatshirt
Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas, graduating senior at St. Mary’s Academy, plans to study astrophysics in college. Photo: Regina Drey SL

“I originally started my meetings with Sister Maria for my school’s service learning requirement during my freshman year, but since then it has turned into something much more. I cherish the knowledge from her many life experiences, and I am glad that I have had this opportunity to get to know her. Her honest opinions and character are refreshing and have helped me understand her unique perspective on our society and world. Not many teenagers have the opportunity to speak with someone like Sister Maria. I love being able to ask what her opinions are on current events and hear how they relate to similar events from the past.

“Sister Maria has inspired me to travel the world. For those of you who don’t know, Sister Maria traveled through Central and South America for her music, and aside from that, lived in Colorado, New Mexico, New York and her home state of Missouri. I was definitely inspired by her travels, and I hope to attend graduate school at the University of Oxford after my undergraduate experience in a new state in the United States.”

I originally started my meetings with Sister Maria for my school’s service learning requirement during my freshman year, but since then it has turned into something much more.

Nastasia St. Amor Joan of Arc Rivas
A black and white photo of a nun in habit smiling and strumming on guitar. Another sister in habit stands behind her enjoying the performance.
Maria Visse SL, a gifted musician, with her guitar in Santiago, Chile, in 1964. She stayed in South America until 1979. Guadalupe “Lupe” Arciniega SL looks on. Photo: Loretto Archives

For her part, Maria says she has valued the opportunity to “connect with someone from another generation of experience and thought. I think what I have learned from Nastasia is big changes come with challenges to move ahead and plan for that future. She is both creative and responsible in attending to the details of planning her future.

“This has been a very positive opportunity for conversation with the younger generation.”

Loretto members and students share lunch and smiles at St. Mary’s Academy

In January, students who are Loretto Leaders at St. Mary’s Academy in Denver had lunch with their buddies — Loretto Community members they had been communicating with through letters, cards and videos. The Loretto Leaders program at the school is spearheaded by Regina Drey SL and helps lower school students learn about and live Loretto values.

A large group picture of a wide variety of ages sitting and standing together for a group picture indoors. They are wearing name tags.
Loretto Community members, front row, pose with their buddies at a luncheon at St. Mary’s Academy in January. Photo courtesy of Regina Drey SL
Enjoying lunch with her buddy is Mary Ellen McElroy SL.
Photo courtesy of Regina Drey SL
Donna Hamburg CoL and buddy at lunch.
Photo courtesy of Regina Drey SL
A photo of an elementary student with a religious sister smiling together.
Mary Kay Widger SL enjoys lunch with her buddy. Photo courtesy of Regina Drey SL

To read all the articles in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.

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