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Living Laudato Si’ – daily!

Posted on July 1, 2024, by Loretto Community

The Loretto Community is committed to participating in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, and many of the Loretto schools have done the same. Liz Deines SL, acting campus minister at Loretto Academy in El Paso, Texas, created Laudato Si’ monthly calendars to get that message across to all three schools on the campus, and she has enthusiastically allowed us to share it more widely.

Liz created Laudato Si’ calendars for classroom teachers. She says, “Since my life has been classroom teaching, I know what teachers are up against, especially when something new is introduced in a school. I wanted some way of providing information to the teachers and staff that would help them with their ‘conversion of heart’ without dumping more on their plates.

“The calendars provide information that they don’t have to take time to hunt down. When possible, I have included materials to share with the students. And some of the teachers have let me know that they are using the materials and sharing with the kids.”

Please feel free to download, use and share the calendar below. Check back monthly for updates!

Edited on Sept. 1, 2023 to add:

The Day of Creation is today, September 1st. It is the beginning of the Season of Creation which runs through Oct. 4th, the Feast of St. Francis. The Season of Creation is a time set aside for ecumenical prayer and action on behalf of the earth.  Pope Francis initiated this time and he wrote the following reflection/commentary on it https://rb.gy/bcp4z

Please enjoy the Day and Season of Creation Calendar.

Credits: Pictures are from Microsoft 365 Stock Images and Creative Commons online pictures. All links are available on the internet and the quotes come from the Laudato Si’ document. The resulting calendar is the work of Liz Deines SL.





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