Loretto Earth Network
The Loretto Earth Network exists to educate and alert its members and all who would join them in both the mystery and miracle of creation and the crisis that threatens our universe.
Vision Statement of the Loretto Earth Network
The Loretto Earth Network is dedicated to re-establishing right relationships between the human community and the Earth community. We are not separate from the universe. We are living into a new understanding of the sacredness of all creation and of our oneness with Earth. It is our ever-growing love, concern and reverence for the earth which compel us to take action and to reverse the destruction humans have wrought on the planet through ignorance, greed and wastefulness.The dream of Earth in harmony with that of its Creator will be fulfilled as we are transformed and participate in the healing and transformation of the total Earth community. This transformation will lead us:
- to respect profoundly the mystery of life on Earth and in one another, to move away from habits of dominance and submission,
- to turn from violence into the ways of peace and to enlarge our perspective so as to embrace the cosmos.
Loretto Earth Resource Library
The Loretto Community has created a variety of resources for Earth Education and Advocacy that are available for use by anyone. We simply ask that you provide appropriate credit when using them.
“We are not separate from the universe. We are living into a new understanding of the sacredness of all creation and of our oneness with Earth.”
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