
Loretto Peace Committee

Many Loretto Community members engage in the work of peace-making. The Loretto Committee for Peace is responsible for general community peace education work and related activities for the common good. Learn more about our Justice and Peace work.

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Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Review

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / June 26, 2024 /
A Sadakao statue: a young girl with a pony tail holding up a book with a bird emerging from the open book, and a plain white wall background.

The Loretto Peace Committee decided last August to promote Eleanor Coerr’s historical novel for children about an 11-year-old named Sadako. Sadako [Sa da’ ko] is a healthy girl, a runner on the middle school track team,…

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Loretto’s two peace committees take small & large steps to cultivate peace

By Loretto Community / May 20, 2024 /
Pat Geier CoL, dressed for cold weather, speaks at a microphone to a group of people gathered outside a building.

The Loretto Motherhouse Peace Committee reactivated this past summer after having had to pause during the early pandemic. Taking small steps for justice is an important way to cultivate a…

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Loretto urgently calls for end to Middle East war

By Loretto Community / January 11, 2024 /
Colorful artwork with the text "We work for justice and act for peace." Art by Bob Strobridge.

Loretto grieves the deaths in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. Tens of thousands of people have been killed, mostly women and children. All their homes in Gaza are gone.…

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Nov. 11 – Celebrate Armistice Day as Peace Day

By Carolyn Jaramillo CoL / November 8, 2023 /
A colorful peace poll stands in the middle of a grassy area while people gather behind it on the pavement.

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, World War I came to an end 105 years ago. On that day in 1918, people celebrated the…

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Nuns Against Gun Violence Call to Action

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / November 1, 2023 /
Large sculpture of a gun with the barrel tied in a knot, it is placed behind many flags of the world.

We stand Full of sorrow, full of tears Full of fears, Twisting in the wind, reeling in horror; We stand with mourners; We stand with first responders; We stand against…

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Loretto members, friends remember horror of Hiroshima, call for no new nuclear bombs!

By Loretto Community / August 9, 2023 /
Loretto Community member holds a banner made by Robert Strobridge CoL that reads "Our globe is too Pentagonal!"

Earlier this month Loretto members and friends traveled to Albuquerque, N.M., to join in the solemn commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. At 5:16 p.m. Aug. 5, a bell…

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Easter Peace… Let’s Hope

By Allison Lemons CoL / May 1, 2023 /
Peace Dove Graphic

Nuclear weapons are immoral and expensive. One nuclear blast could kill several million people, not including those who would suffer from radiation sickness and genetic mutations. Nukes contaminate air, soil…

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Support War Tax Resisters

By Byron Plumley CoL / March 15, 2023 /

By Byron Plumley and Shirley Whiteside of the Loretto Peace Committee It is challenging to be a person of conscience in the United States when we know that our tax…

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A plea from the Peace Committee

By Allison Lemons CoL / March 1, 2023 /
A colorful banner with a white dove and a gradient color background of pink and blue with the text, "We work for justice and act for peace"

Nuclear weapons are weapons of massive destruction so horrendous that to expose anyone to them is not just immoral; it is demonic. On Aug. 6, 1945, our country dropped an…

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Black History Month Docuseries

By Byron Plumley CoL / February 8, 2023 /
A group of people in winter coats smiling while attending a march.

It was so great to see the Loretto presence at the Martin Luther King Jr. Marade in Denver. Thanks to Pat McCormick for her consistent effort to rally folks, and special thanks…

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Loretto Peace Committee recognizes work of the Irish Ambassador to the U.N., Geraldine Byrne Nason

By Loretto Community / August 31, 2022 /
Woman with glasses sits in front of United Nations backdrop

[The positive changes in Ireland] took the perseverance, the ingenuity and the firm passion and commitment of women on the ground — and we come back to where we started out ……

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Hiroshima: A Peace Committee Call for a Community Read

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / August 10, 2022 /

In 1946 The New Yorker devoted an entire edition to publishing John Hersey’s “Hiroshima.” Hersey reported on six residents. They were there in the city and, by turns of fate,…

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Cupola Cross 2-Icon

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