UN Climate Talks (COP27) – Virtual Delegation with Loretto at the UN
November 6, 2022 – November 18, 2022
- This event has passed.
The UN Climate Talks (COP27) are coming up soon (6 to 18 November 2022), as governments convene in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. You can follow the conference virtually with the Loretto / BVM delegation. Just fill out this quick 5-question form to sign up.
We will follow the conference virtually, and provide an orientation, several optional reflection gatherings during and after COP27, a helpful pdf guide to COP27 from the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR), and numerous prayer and action resources. Join us as we learn from each other and stand in communion with those gathered on the Sinai Peninsula, a land held sacred by followers of Abrahamic religions as the place where God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and called him to a mission of liberation.
On each day of this conference, we are invited to pray in solidarity with the whole Earth community and, in a special way, with the Catholic Sisters, Brothers, priests, and other faith leaders who will be advocating for environmental justice in the UN proceedings on the Sinai Peninsula.
This is a virtual event