Nasreen Daniel Offers Thanks from Pakistan to Loretto Schools
Posted on December 1, 2018, by Nasreen Daniel SL

Photo by Regina Drey

Photo by Regina Drey
It had always been my desire to visit our Loretto schools in the United States and thank each person personally for their sensitivity to the needs of those who are not as fortunate. It was a God-given opportunity for me to stay in the United States this fall and travel to the schools. The very first school I visited was Nerinx Hall in St. Louis.
Leslee Moore, our co-member-in-process, generously offered to drive to St. Louis. In my mind I thought there might be two or three classes for my presentation, but to my surprise it was the whole school. I could not believe my eyes. What a good response I got from the group. By the end of the same day a senior, Sarah Ruttencutter, found Lydia Peña’s e-mail address and wrote to her that she was interested in going to Pakistan to help out in our mission. Sarah now teaches an English class with our Pakistan teachers every Saturday morning, which is 10 p.m. St. Louis time.

Photo by Leslee Moore
In Denver I was touched by questions of the little ones when they heard that some children have to walk for an hour or more to come to the school. The solution was found by a little gentleman in the lower school at St. Mary’s. He wanted to provide bicycles for all. The desire to help those in need was so prevalent.
Another student offered to fund a project for Loretto in Pakistan; we are going to work on that offer with the help of Regina Drey.
In El Paso at Loretto Academy, I saw the same excitement among the listeners, and sensitivity and questions like: Tell us what can we do for you in Pakistan to help make a difference in the lives of the people associated with Loretto in Pakistan? Baji Buffy Boesen gave me a $5,000 check for our needs in Pakistan. It was so obvious that generosity of heart is inculcated in the students and the staff.
The whole San Antonio Rolling Hills Catholic School and Antonian Middle School in Texas welcomed me. And again discussion centered on various ways to contact and learn from each other. Mary Ann Lovett organized the notion of a sister school. She will write for Interchange of all the activities and plans.

Photo by Leslee Moore
Overall response from the staff and students was amazing. It is encouraging to know that the Loretto values of justice and peace, which bring equality are so prevalent in the people touched by Loretto in some way or the other.
Thanks to all my friends who made this visit possible for me.