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Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.

Remembrance of the Life of Sister Charles Maureen Walker SL

By Loretto Community / March 14, 2014 /
A nun wearing round wire glasses smiling for a headshot picture.

October 11, 1919 – March 14, 2014

Sister Charles Maureen Walker’s life closely follows the lives of early Loretto school-women from the Kentucky Holy Land. Baptized Mary Virginia at St. Charles Church, near Little Loretto, she grew up in the town of Loretto, the oldest child of her mother, Sadie–Mary Sarah O’Daniel, who married Charles Thomas Walker and raised his two daughters and the seven children they had together. Charles was the barber in Loretto for 39 years and their children attended Loretto Public School with the Sisters of Loretto. Mary Virginia began high school with the Ursuline Sisters at St. Francis in Chicago, Kentucky (just west of Loretto on the railroad line).

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Jane Marie Richardson SL

By Loretto Community / March 10, 2014 /
A black and white headshot of a woman with short brown hair, and dimples smiling brightly wearing a dark colored turtleneck sweater with a brick background.

June 2, 1928 – March 10, 2014

Mary Jane Richardson was born to Catholic Kentuckians Roy Clinton Richardson and Elsie Margaret Kippes Richardson in Louisville Kentucky, where she grew up in St. Benedict’s Parish, the sixth child and only girl in a family with eight brothers, one of whom died in childhood. Jane was taught from the beginning by Loretto Sisters, at St. Benedict’s Elementary and Loretto High School, Louisville. She entered Loretto immediately after high school, receiving the habit and the name Sister Jane Marie on April 25, 1947.

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I Love Mountains Day 2014

By Loretto Community / February 24, 2014 /

By Molly Butler Interchange Online Loretto rallied among the hundreds of Earth-loving Kentuckians and friends that mobilized on February 12th for the ninth annual “I Love Mountains Day.” It was…

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Remembrance of the life of Marita Michenfelder Woodruff CoL

By Loretto Community / February 18, 2014 /
A woman smiling for a headshot picture, with short white hair, wearing dangly earrings, a white turtleneck and a dark cardigan.

December 7, 1927 — February 17, 2014

Marita Woodruff was the second of five children of Albert and Ruth Donahue Michenfelder. Baptized Ann Ruth, she attended elementary school at Our Holy Redeemer, just down the street from the family home. Ann graduated from Webster Groves High School and then from Webster College, both also very near the Michenfelder home. According to her sister, Mary Phelan, Marita loved theatre, “She used to give neighborhood plays, and she did theater all through high school and college.”

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Ann White SL

By Loretto Community / February 16, 2014 /
A woman with short brown hair, earrings and big glasses smiling brightly for a headshot picture.

November 11, 1925—February 16, 2014

Born in Louisville, Kentucky, to Leo James and Mary Sonefeld White, the daughter who would become Sister Ann White was baptized Mary Inez. In an autobiographical sketch written in the late 1980s, Ann called herself “a first generation Kentuckian, since my parents were transferred to Louisville from Grand Rapids, Michigan.” Little Inez began elementary school at St. Vincent DePaul parish, but moved with her family after just one month to Louisville’s west end, where she was enrolled at Christ the King School even though her family lived outside the parish bounds.

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Remembrance of the Life of Virginia Vobejda, CoL

By Loretto Community / January 31, 2014 /
A headshot of a woman smiling with short grey hair, dangly earrings, and round wire glasses.

April 29, 1920-January 31, 2014

Virginia was born April 29, 1920 in Lodgepople, South Dakota. She and six siblings learned much growing up on their South Dakota farm. Their mother died when Virginia, the youngest child, was 13; but Virginia had been gifted with a depth of compassion and wisdom she took with her throughout her life.

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Ann Francis Gleason SL

By Loretto Community / November 29, 2013 /
A woman standing in a religious classroom with a cross and a map in the back, the woman is smiling for a picture, with short grey hair, and big glasses, wearing a white blouse, a dark blue blazer.

July 31, 1920 – November 29, 2013

I have never been in a place that I haven’t fallen in love with, have never had any living experiences except happy ones. I have continued to LOVE the sisters. When choices became ours to make, I chose Santa Clara, then I chose Denver and now I am basking in my last choice, life once again at Loretto in Kentucky. This just might be the second-best choice of my life. Second, because going to Loretto in 1942 was my first, best choice.

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Julia Anne McEntee SL

By Loretto Community / October 29, 2013 /
A black and white headshot of a woman smiling with short grey hair, and big glasses.

December 29, 1932 – October 29, 2013

“I still share my nursing a little with older sisters. Since returning to the Motherhouse, I have added pastoral care to my experience. As part of a team, I take communion to the sisters in our infirmary. I pray with two groups. To others I offer some time of presence with them.” Serving the people of God was always Julia’s goal. Loretto joins many others in saying Thank you, Sister Julia Anne, for your many years of faithful service.

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Frances Ratermann SL

By Loretto Community / September 10, 2013 /
A woman sitting in a chair indoors, smiling, and looking to her right for a picture with short grey hair, round wire glasses, a grey patterned shirt.

April 28, 1915—September 10, 2013

“Her lust for life was catching – to Frank, everything and every day was an adventure! Her love of family and the neighbors was legendary and there was never a closed door when a stray animal happened to be lucky enough to stop by her door …When she arrived on God’s doorstep, I’m sure there was great rejoicing at the return of one of God’s finest.”

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Alice Eugene Tighe SL

By Loretto Community / August 29, 2013 /
A woman smiling for a headshot picture wearing round, black wire glasses, a black shirt, a red patterned blouse and a pearl necklace.

April 13, 1915—August 29, 2013

“When Alice Eugene celebrated her 75th anniversary in 2008, she invited all of her former students..Many played and gave tribute to Alice Eugene, naming all the life lessons she had taught them along with the music. They said what a reflection of God she was for them.”

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Agnes Marie Plumb SL

By Loretto Community / August 11, 2013 /
A black and white headshot of a woman smiling with short dark hair, and big glasses, wearing a plaid collared shirt.

November 11, 1921—August 11, 2013

Agnes Marie enjoyed a forty-year career as an elementary school teacher and principal, beginning with a year in St. Louis, then serving almost entirely in the West. She completed her very active career as a volunteer for the Spirituality Center and as sacristan for the Denver Center community.

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Frances Ann O’Bryan SL

By Loretto Community / April 30, 2013 /
A woman smiling for a portrait picture with short brown hair, glasses, a white shirt and a dark colored cardigan with a dark grey background.

July 23, 1920 – April 30, 2013

Her gracious optimism and encouragement and her concern for the poor and the disadvantaged are as much a part of her as the joy she emanates when she speaks of Loretto, her classmates, her communities through the years, her associations, her memories.

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