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Scenes from the 2018 Loretto Assembly

Posted on July 12, 2018, by Loretto Community

Saturday, July 7, at the Opening of the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

From left, Anna Koop SL and Pilar Gonzalez CoL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Liz Perez SL, Earna Volk Co-member-in-process and Agnes Ann Schum SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Co-member-in-process Marcus Hyte, Maureen O’Connell SL and Anna Koop SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Rita Bruegenhagen, Samina Iqbal and Marie Lourde Steckler
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Kathy Wright SL and Loretto President Pearl McGivney
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

Sunday, July 8, at Loretto Motherhouse

From left, Theresa Kinealy CoL and Mary Denis Bruck CoL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Mary Seematter CoL, Angie Murphy SL, Rita Bruegenhagen SL, Nancy Finneran SL and JoAnn Gates CoL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Irma Avila SL and Peg Jacobs CoL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Marlene Spero SL, Pearl McGivney SL and Vicki Schwartz SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Sister Anna Amo FST, Sister Cecilia Ankomah FST, both from Loretto’s Sister Ghana Community, and Carole Eschen SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Co-member-in-process Neil Tucker and Sister Cecilia Ankomah, FST, of the Loretto Ghana Community
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Maureen McCormack SL and Joan Spero SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Kathleen Tighe SL and Kay Lane SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
The Quayhagens, from left, Margaret and Mary
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Buffy Boesen SL and Angie Murphy SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Mary Ann McGivern SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Elaine Prevallet SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Mary Nelle Gage SL places a flower in a vase during a July 8 ritual at the Loretto Motherhouse to remember deceased Loretto members and the gifts they “brought forward” to others.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Mary Nelle Gage SL and Sylvia Ginder SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

Monday, July 9, at the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

Mass of the Holy Spirit
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Co-member the Rev. Martin Lally celebrates the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Paroquet Center.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Kathy Sullivan and Barbara Roche converse about the elections process.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Marian McAvoy SL poses a question during the Assembly elections.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Helen Santamaria and Annie Stevens compare notes during the Assembly election process.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto’s newly elected Forum Co-members Mary Helen Sandoval, Paulette Peterson, Sonja Earthman Novo, Jane German and Sue Kenney surround President-elect Barbara Nicholas SL. All will take office beginning Jan. 1, 2019.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, former Loretto President Marian McAvoy, President-elect Barbara Nicholas and former Loretto President Mary Catherine Rabbitt
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

Tuesday, July 10, at the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

From left, Loretto Co-member-in-process Earna Volk and Co-member Peg Jacobs
(Photo by Neil Tucker)
The newly elected leadership of Loretto
(Photo by Neil Tucker)
Susan Schorsten HM, facilitator for the Loretto 2018 Assembly
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Annie Stevens SL, one of the Assembly 2018 notetakers
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Buffy Boesen SL speaks at the Finance and Charitable Trust Presentation at the 2018 Loretto Assembly July 10 in Shepherdsville, Ky.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Kathy Wright SL answers a questions during the Loretto 2018 Assembly’s Finance and Charitable Trust presentation.
(Ruth Routten)

Wednesday, July 11, at the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

The Loretto Volunteer Program presentation, with Volunteer Program Coordinator Mallory Daily at the podium
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Volunteer Coordinator Mallory Daily and Loretto Volunteer Program Assistant Coordinator Claudia Calzetta SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
The Pakistan Presentation, with Maria Daniel at the podium
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
The Pakistan presentation, with Nasreen Daniel at the podium
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Nasreen Daniel, Samina Iqbal and Maria Daniel
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Mary Catherine Rabbitt leads the Assembly in a proposal discussion.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Cathy Mueller leads the Assembly in discussion of one of the proposals presented.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Co-members the Revs. Michael De Sciose and Marty Lally co-celebrate the July 11 Jubilarian Mass at the Assembly.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Jubilarians Loretto Sisters Mary Ellen McElroy and Judy Popp
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarians and friends
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarian Mass singers and musicians, led by Denise Ann Clifford SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarians and others renew vows at the July 11 jubilarian celebration Mass.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Magdalena McCloskey CoL, Mary McAuliffe SL and Diamond Jubilarian Mary Denis Bruck SL.
(Ruth Routten)
From left, FST Sisters Anna and Cecilia
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarian celebrants and friends
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Golden Jubilarian Mary Nelle Gage SL and Diamond Jubilarian Mary Denis Bruck SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Kathleen Corbett, Mary Nelle Gage and Mary McAuliffe
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Mary Denis Bruck, Lydia Pena and Dolores Kelledy
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarian celebrants and friends at the July 11 festive dinner.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Jubilarian celebrants and friends at the dinner following the jubilarian Mass.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

Thursday, July 12, at the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

Assembly participants express their approval of one of several proposals discussed during the Assembly proceedings.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Sister Anthony Mary Sartorius thanks everyone and the Loretto Motherhouse staff for the wonderful Sunday celebration at the Motherhouse.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
A close up of the rocks making up a portion of the ‘path” created for the Assembly
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Sister Janet Rabideau at the Assembly
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Co-members Mary Helen Sandoval and Beth Blissman at one of the display tables
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sisters Claudia Calzetta and Mary Margaret Murphy at the Loretto Volunteers display
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
At the podium, Loretto Co-member Mary Ann Lovett introduces the Latin America/Caribbean Committee presentation.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
A representative from the immigration action group Raices speaks to Assembly participants.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
A member of the Holy Family Sisters from Guatemala, with Loretto Co-member Pilar Gonzalez assisting in translating, speaks to the Assembly.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
A member of the Holy Family Sisters speaks about her congregation’s work in Guatemala.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Co-member Pilar Gonzalez with members of the Holy Family Sisters from Guatemala
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
At the podium, Sister Anna talks about the work of the Most Holy Trinity Sisters from Ghana.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sister Marie Ego, Most Holy Trinity Sister Anna, Loretto Sister Pauline Albin and Most Holy Trinity Sister Cecilia
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
From left, Loretto Sister Marlene Spero and Most Holy Trinity Sister Cecilia at the Assembly
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto President Sister Pearl McGivney, at center, on behalf of Loretto accepts tokens of appreciation from Holy Family Sisters Anna, at left, and Cecilia, at right.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Co-member Jean East speaks at the Mary Rhodes Awards presentation.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Sister Cathy Mueller talks about a Mary Rhodes Award recipient, with Jean East Co-L looking on from the podium.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Co-member Maureen Flanigan
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

Friday, July 13, Final Day at the Loretto Assembly in Shepherdsville, Ky.

Morning breakfast at the motel before the Friday session begins.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Co-member the Rev. Michael De Sciose leads a sprinkling rite during Mass.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
The Rev. Michael De Sciose CoL celebrates Mass.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Part of the closing ritual, with, from left, Jean East CoL and Vicki Schwarz SL
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
As part of the closing of the Assembly, Loretto Co-member the Rev. Marty Lally selects a rock from among those that participants had written their names on to remember and pray for that person.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto Sister Kay Carlew selects a stone during the closing ceremony.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto President Sister Pearl McGivney offers remarks at the closing of the Assembly.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)
Loretto President Sister Pearl McGivney offers thanks to all at the closing of the 2018 Assembly.
(Photo by Ruth Routten)

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