Courage in Conflict
Posted on November 21, 2018, by Loretto Community

The booklet “Courage in Conflict: The Righteous Among Us” was created by the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Office of Consecrated Life. It was distributed at the Nov. 14 presentation on the topic at Fontbonne University in St. Louis. Among the essays featured in the booklet are pieces by Loretto Sisters Mary Nelle Gage and Susan Carol McDonald on serving the orphaned and abandoned children in Vietnam and a submission by Loretto Archivist Katie Santa Ana, who wrote on the ministry of Sisters of Loretto in World War I.
The Nov. 14 presentation, as described by the Consecrated Life Office, featured discussions on “seldom-told heroic stories of Catholic nuns during the Holocaust in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe. Their resistance to Nazism serves as an enduring example of courage during conflict.”