Loretto and People of Color: Companions on Life’s Journey
Posted on November 9, 2020, by Loretto Community
“I Am the Way,” the Constitutions of the Sisters of Loretto, tells us, “Even as we give to others, we acknowledge our need to learn from those to whom we are sent.” (#41)
Learning to see is our life’s work of reflection and action. Such learning is not simple. The more Loretto members work with people of color the more we realize what we do not know or understand. The path of learning is sometimes messy. We fall and get up. We fall and get up again. One way to think about Loretto’s service is to be open to learning, to what is arising in our world and to ponder our part in it. We must become servants of awareness and continue to learn what people of color will teach us. What kind of world will we create together?
The threads we follow … education, service outside the United States, nursing in wars, building peace, and so much more … all a journey of the heart.