Loretto Donors’ Loving Support Helps To Keep Loretto Mission Alive and Well
Posted on November 29, 2021, by Loretto Community
Building a community of giving – that’s what the Loretto Community’s Development Office does. We invite people to participate in this work by asking for money and for prayers – and for physical labor when it’s needed and where possible. We all want to belong, to be part of something bigger than ourselves. And, oddly enough, we like to be asked. We hope you do, too.
Here at Loretto we know that every little bit helps. At the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, N.M., the one often identified by the circular staircase, there is a little wooden box marked for the retired Loretto sisters. There are other souvenirs for sale, but they go toward running the operation. The gifts of quarters and dollar bills that visitors drop into the box amount to thousands of dollars each year.
Please consider making a gift yourself. To make a gift online, click here or use the orange “Donate” button at the top of any page on the site. You also can mail a check to Sisters of Loretto, 515 Nerinx Road, Nerinx, KY 40049. Be a part of our Loretto community of giving, contributing toward getting the work done.
According to I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, the spirituality of Loretto directs members to praise and to minister in Jesus’ name, grounded in our roots, enlightened by the Gospel and the Council and relying on Divine Providence, as we “work for a future in which the poor and suffering, the hungry in body and spirit, will know God’s saving love present in them.”
Your loving kindness propels our work. Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the Loretto Community, spirituality and mission!