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Loretto Magazine – Fall 2024

Posted on September 18, 2024, by Loretto Community

Cover of the Fall 2024 Loretto Magazine "An event-full Loretto summer Inside ... Loretto holds Election Assembly 200 years at Loretto Motherhouse Celebrating Loretto's jubilarians Mary Luke Tobin Award honorees Visiting a tribal community in Pakistan"

Read Loretto Magazine

Loretto Spotlight Video – Eleanor Craig SL

Eleanor Craig SL, Loretto Community historian, talks about the history of the Sisters of Loretto at the Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky.
Photo by Rachel Brahm

A letter from President Barbara Nicholas SL

Head shot of Sr. Barbara Nicholas taken outside on a sunny day.

Is this how it is with you? We are entering the season when nature’s way is to let the sap recede. That takes energy, of course, but a restful energy. In actuality, we are gearing up in so many ways. This issue of Loretto Magazine brings forward some of the many ways that we continue to work for justice and act for peace as the Gospel urges us.

Read the letter here.

Justice Fellowship thrives in El Paso

A group of Latino social work and law students stand staggered on three steps to take a group photo. There are nine women and one man.

Loretto Justice Fellows carry forward Loretto’s mission and values, providing direct service in key mission areas where Loretto Community members have served for decades.

In the 2024-2025 program year, the Fellowship welcomes 10 students from two universities to serve with justice organizations in El Paso. We hope to build upon the transformative experiences and positive impacts reported by Fellows and partners in our inaugural year.

Read the story here.

Bringing running water to a Kentucky family

An older white woman with grey hair and round framed glasses, a striped pink shirt and beige pants smiles in a newly constructed and completed bathroom.

A dad and his two daughters, ages 11 and 14, living a short distance from Loretto Motherhouse were
hauling water to their home month after month. Judy Popp SL, who lives at the Motherhouse, found out and determined to help.

Read the story here.

Students volunteer at Loretto Motherhouse

Two older Sisters with white hair take a photo with another adult and three students as they take a break from gardening.

On June 1, students from Loretto-associated schools — Loretto Academy in El Paso, Nerinx Hall High School in St. Louis and St. Mary’s Academy in Denver — arrived to spend a week at the Motherhouse. They enjoyed time with one another and Loretto Community members, took part in planned activities and worked hard.

Read the story here.

Loretto and Nerinx Hall celebrate milestones together

A photo of a school assembly with several Loretto members in the front row of chairs and rows of high school students behind them.

This year Nerinx Hall celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding by Loretto. The school also celebrated the 212th year of Loretto’s own founding on April 25. The Foundation Day celebration included presentations and discussions on topics that included the history of Loretto and of Nerinx, Earth justice, women in Pakistan and justice for those on the margins. Jennifer Staed, new Loretto co-member and Nerinx Hall teacher, also was recognized.

Read the story here.

Leading into the future … Loretto assembles, elects leadership

In July Loretto gathered to elect new leaders, hold discussions, pass proposals important to the Community and enjoy time together. As Community members gathered in Louisville, Ky., and on Zoom starting on July 5, the excitement was energizing. The following days brimmed with elections, deliberations and decisions, camaraderie and even dancing! In fact, music was a valued carry-through, boosting energy and enthusiasm each day.

Read the story and check out all the photos here.

Assembly 2024: work of challenge, work of joy

During a lunch break from a gathering, three women enjoy a hug and smile for the camera.

For the five days of the July Assembly, Loretto Community members gathered to conduct business and to reunite once again in person. Smiles and laughter abounded, in addition to thoughtful conversation and decision-making.

Enjoy some of the photos from the Assembly in this photo essay.

Seeking Home: Commemorating 200 years at Loretto Motherhouse

A white haired nun in a blue t-shirt leads a group of confirmation students down the aisle of a church.

This story is about an unusual group of women, daughters of Maryland settlers. They were young women who came together on the Kentucky frontier in the area some call the Kentucky Holy Land because of the sizable Catholic population who arrived in the late 18th century from Maryland ­— frontierspeople seeking fresh, unplowed lands where they could live and worship together. These women committed to teaching pioneer children and to living simple religious lives.

Read the articles and check out photos here.

Summer at Loretto Motherhouse brims with community activities

A child with blond curly hair wearing a grey and blue t-shirt and a brown pony with white spots are mesmerized by a curiosity they've spotted on the ground.

This summer saw Loretto visitors engaging in numerous family activities, including Family Fun Day, an open house at the Heritage Center and Ag Bash. Also this summer, the Motherhouse Farm was designated a Historic Farm.

See more and view photos here.

Living history

A black and white photo of a nun in habit looks down at a small child in a white dress as she shows her a spinning wheel.

In a 1961 photograph, taken in the museum at Loretto Motherhouse, Antonina Ryan SL shows an old spinning wheel to Marian Wheatley Medley, daughter of Carl Wheatley, Loretto’s farm manager. Marian’s family lived in Clare House on the Motherhouse grounds for many years. Sister Antonina, born in Denver and daughter of Irish parents, entered Loretto in 1900 at the age of 17 and obtained a master’s from Denver University. She taught in schools in Colorado, Kentucky, Missouri and New Mexico before moving to the Motherhouse in 1958. She died in 1975 and is buried in the Motherhouse cemetery.

Read the story here.

Mary Luke Tobin Social Justice Award 2024

A young Black woman with medium length natural hair and two small silver earrings in her right ear is smiling looking to the side and wearing a light blue and white striped shirt.

Emmy Stoll and Brendan Staff, 12th annual Mary Luke Tobin Social Justice Award honorees, impressed the selection committee with their deep commitment to social justice.

Emmy, born in Ethiopia and adopted by her American family as an infant, shares that “God says all people are created equal and in the likeness and image of God.

Read the story here.

Celebrating Loretto’s jubilarians!

Kathleen Tighe SL

We honor all our 2024 Loretto Jubiliarians, including these individuals celebrating significant milestones.

Kathleen Tighe SL
Mary Bundy CoL
Libby Comeaux CoL
JoAnn Gates CoL
Karen Knoll CoL
Alicia Zapata RSM CoL

Read the profiles of our Jubilarian here.

A visit to the Sindh region of Pakistan

A Pakistani woman is shown preparing bread and rolling it out in a work station on the ground outside. She is surrounded by pots and pans and next to a small fire with a plate on top for cooking.

A visit to the Tharparkar desert area in the Sindh region of Pakistan reveals scenes of hardship and poverty. Malnutrition, disease, lack of education and child labor are common. Debt bondage, or bonded labor, a form of modern slavery known to ensnare entire families, is prevalent. Add climate change to the mix.

Read the story here.

Memorials and Tributes of Honor: May 2024 — July 2024



Dear Loretto Friends,

Loretto is an inspiration to me and to so many people. Think about how you are inspired.

Is it by your Loretto teachers and the impact of your education? Or is it by Loretto’s work for justice and peace and their encouragement of young people to do the same? Do Loretto’s pioneer women inspire you — those who forged new trails in Kentucky, across the US and beyond our borders? Has your journey been helped by a Loretto author or spiritual director? Do you follow the work of our courageous sisters in Pakistan? Have you been moved by the loving care at the Loretto Living Center, the beauty of the Motherhouse land or the church services and special events held there?

Whatever inspires you, we are very grateful that you share your appreciation of Loretto with your prayers, notes and donations that help to ensure the continuance of our mission.

Whether you are a longtime donor or a new donor we want to be sure you know the multiple ways you can make a charitable gift to the Sisters of Loretto, a 501(c)(3) organization. You can:

  • Give online here.
  • Write a check. Use the enclosed envelope or send a check made out to the Sisters of Loretto. Send to: Sisters of Loretto, Finance/Development Office, 515 Nerinx Rd. Nerinx, KY 40049.
  • Direct that a Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA be donated to Sisters of Loretto at the address above. Get a deduction and avoid capital gains tax.
  • Give a gift of stock or other appreciated assets. Contact us for details.
  • Designate a gift in a will. It can be any dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.
  • Name Loretto a recipient of a charitable trust or a life insurance policy.

Questions? Contact me by email or at 270-431-0100, ext. 5102.

You inspire us! Thank you for all the ways you share your care and generosity with Loretto.

Virginia Nesmith
Development Director

Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.
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Loretto welcomes you

Learn more or plan a visit to the Motherhouse!