Home » Features » Loretto’s collaborative efforts extend its mission to work for justice, act for peace

Loretto’s collaborative efforts extend its mission to work for justice, act for peace

Posted on September 9, 2024, by Loretto Community

Beth Blissman CoL and five other people of varying ages and races smile for a selfie together.
Loretto/BVM at the UN representative Beth Blissman CoL with some of her many collaborators.
Back row, from left: Kati Garrison (Communications Director, Justice Coalition of Religious) and Teresa Blumenstein (Global Coordinator, Justice Coalition of Religious). Front row, from left: Kai Njeri (Kiladada Initiative), Hueyyi Lee (Tzu Chi), Beth Blissman CoL and Steve Chiu (Tzu Chi).
Photo by Steve Chiu

What is the invitation of our time? What crossroads are we facing? What is missing from a community picture? What collaborations sustain us? These are questions that many religious communities grapple with as they call on the Spirit to be present in chaos and in cooperation. The Spirit of God flourishes when we open ourselves to the wisdom that is deep and yet creative. The Constitutions of the Sisters of Loretto embraced by the whole Loretto Community engages us in a “continuing effort to become what God calls us to be. We promise to accept this task and to animate one another in fulfilling it.” (I Am The Way, #72)

With whom do we collaborate? Other religious communities, church and parish groups, our schools, mission groups both in the United States and Pakistan. This is how we develop a mission of being lifelong learners that take us beyond ourselves. The call for our time is to do mission. As the Rev. Anthony J. (Tony) Gittins of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit once said, “We don’t have a mission, the mission has us.” That alone is a call to collaborate with those we serve, so that it is not just our doing but our partnerships that show us how to work together in following the Gospel. Jesus started with 12 and look what happened!

Collaborating with others enables Loretto to build bridges to wider opportunities, strengthen bonds and create new connections as we strive to extend our mission to work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us. Follow us on Facebook this week as we highlight just a few of Loretto’s multitude of collaborative efforts.


Loretto Community

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