Home » Obituaries » Remembrance of the Life of Rosalie Durán CoL

Remembrance of the Life of Rosalie Durán CoL

Posted on June 12, 2022, by Loretto Community

Rosalie Durán CoL
Aug. 29, 1931 – June 12, 2022

Loretto Co-member Rosalie Consuelo Durán died June 12, 2022, at The Oberon House in Arvada, Colo. Her family and her Loretto friends had been closely in touch; she recently received the last sacraments from Co-member Marty Lally. Rosalie was 90 and in the 53rd year of her Loretto life. She had briefly been Sister Joanelle in the early 1950s; she became a co-member in 1971.

Rosalie was born Aug. 29, 1931, in Las Vegas, N.M., to Jose Efren and Rosalia Durán. She was the second child of seven: Jose, Rosalie, Edward, Gloria, Evangeline, Florence and John. She was raised by her Tio
and Tia, Cipriano and Angelina Flores, in Las Vegas, N.M. Upon graduation, as valedictorian, from Immaculate Conception High School in 1949, she moved to the Sisters of Loretto convent in Nerinx, Ky.

In 1953, Rosalie moved to Denver, where she remained the rest of her life as a Loretto co-member. Rosalie founded United Management Resources and was a savvy businesswoman who generously shared with those she loved.

Rosalie was loved and affectionately called Auntie Rollie by her nieces and nephews. She adored Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church above all things. She is survived by her sister Florence Aldrete, brother John Durán, godchildren and countless nieces and nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews,
great-­grandnieces and great-grandnephews.

A funeral Mass for Rosalie was celebrated on her birthday, Aug. 29, 2022, at Holy Family Church, Denver. It was proceeded by the reciting of the rosary and followed by lunch in the parish hall. Loretto Co-member the Rev. Marty Lally was the celebrant.

 Please keep Rosalie, her family and all her loved ones in your prayers. May Rosalie rest in peace.

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