Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on ‘largest pro-life issue’ — the Earth
Posted on September 13, 2024, by Loretto Community
Published by National Catholic Reporter on Sept. 9, 2024
Deep along two-lane roads, nestled amid the undulating, verdant hillsides of Vermont, the Sisters of the Earth Community at Green Mountain Monastery and Thomas Berry Sanctuary beckons visitors to step into a serene and deeply spiritual space — and lives as an example of how religious life is evolving.
Sr. Cathy Mueller, former president of the Loretto Community and member of the Sisters of Earth Network, where she met Worcelo, notes that the Sisters of the Earth Community was a leader in recognizing the connection to the earth, which has since become central to many women religious congregations.
“That whole understanding of the connection with earth is part of our reality and affects the priorities of almost every religious congregation,” Mueller said. “It’s acted out in our spirituality, our actions for justice — those are the very things that are evolving through the Green Mountain Monastery. What a gift to the world of what women religious are doing.”
Read the whole story on the NCR website.