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A letter from Loretto President Barbara Nicholas SL – Winter 2024

Posted on February 20, 2024, by Loretto Community

Head shot of Sr. Barbara Nicholas taken outside on a sunny day.

Dear Reader,

As I write, it is certainly wintertime here in North America. The wooly worms whose development gets our attention in Kentucky during late fall kept us on alert to their predictions of lots of snow with temperatures “not too cold.” Given the content of this issue of Loretto Magazine, for sure our hearts will be warmed with the commitment expressed by the day-to-day activities of Loretto Community members and friends.

In all the ways that you will read about in this issue, you continue to be present as well with your interest and prayers and financial support. As you page through the magazine, I wonder if you will sit back and consider:

  • The real love that is present in every room and corridor in the Living Center at Loretto Motherhouse.
  • Those are amazing social work students. How many boxes of detergent did they open today
  • What action can I take today to prevent another mom from seeing her child languish because there is no food or medicine?

With you all, I exclaim with Pope Francis, “Laudate Deum!” Praise God!

The work is ongoing and never to be completed even as little bits of it are addressed in the day-by-day efforts that we all make. These lines from our Loretto Constitutions, I Am the Way, article 33, say it well: “As we stand with Mary at the foot of the cross, we strive to bring the healing Spirit of God into our world and we commit ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression and deprivation of dignity. In this way, we participate in the church’s mission of proclaiming the transforming love of God.”

Recently, a friend, Jan Hallman, closed a letter with words I asked to share with you as we close out these wintry days: “I wish you all the best in the days and years to come. Never give up!! Generations to come are depending on our wisdom, courage, perseverance and love to keep our world safe and healthy. Be well.”

With love,
Barbara Nicholas SL
President of Loretto

A red cardinal sits on snowy branches.
A red cardinal in the snow.
Photo by Donna Mattingly SL

Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.

Pope Francis, from “A Prayer for Our Earth,” Laudato Si’

To read all the articles in the Winter 2024 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.

Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.