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Ag Bash Smash!

Posted on August 14, 2024, by Loretto Community

From left, an older woman with grey hair, glasses and a green t-shirt stands smiling with a young woman with brown curly hair wearing a blue tank top and jean overalls. They are standing together in front of a sign that says "new pioneers for a sustainable future."
Photo by Will Myers

Over 400 children and grown-ups showed up at Loretto Motherhouse on Saturday, Aug. 3, to play in the corn, soybean and wheat boxes (no sand here), pet the four-day-old chicks and inspect two-story-high farm equipment. The day was a smash hit.

There were free books for all the children and free $5 vouchers for them to buy produce from local farmers. Barbecue and taco food trucks were on site along with leather and other crafts and free snow cones sponsored by Foodland, the Loretto grocery store. The Motherhouse Peace Committee, New Pioneers, Loretto Living Center, KyNect and several others had exhibitor booths. 

The back of three small children are shown as they look onward at all the activities of an agricultural fair.
Photo by Will Myers

Rain came early, around 8 am, just when folks were setting up. But the rain was long gone at 10 am when the fun began, and bales of straw soaked up the water and gave us sound footing. All day cool breezes tempered the bright sunshine.

A closeup of a small white and speckled black baby goat in a silver pen.
Photo by Will Myers

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