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Mary Swain SL

John 6:51-58 The words from John that we have just heard speak strongly to those of us who stand within the Christian tradition. The words resonate with anyone who walks…
Read MoreThese Easter days are so full of energy and life. The disciples are off and running to tell the various communities about Jesus and about “The Way.” The reading from…
Read MoreJohn 11:1-45 We just heard a tender story about Martha, Mary, Lazarus and Jesus. The evangelist, John, has Jesus saying that he, Jesus, is the resurrection and the life. John…
Read MoreLast Sunday we followed Jesus into the desert. Jesus was at the beginning of this work he sensed himself called to do. We were reading from the fourth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel,…
Read MoreExodus, 2 Timothy, Luke 18 Pray always, we hear today. Be patient and constant, don’t get weary, keep at it, don’t give up, don’t lose heart. These commands or urgings…
Read MoreEcclesiastes 1:2, 2:21-21; Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11; Luke 12:13:21 Vanities of vanities! All things are vanity! I remember Carroll Stuhlmueller saying that line. It was when we were in the novitiate…
Read MoreLast Sunday and now this Sunday we have been reading from chapters 9 and 10 of Luke’s Gospel. Jesus is aware that his days are numbered. He is heading toward…
Read MoreActs 1:1-11, Eph. 1:17-23, Luke 24:46-53 The Gospel passage from Luke that we just heard begins starkly and abruptly — an instruction from Jesus for his disciples. It is helpful,…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel reading Jesus sends two of his disciples off to get a colt in the nearby village. He and his disciples were heading to Jerusalem. Many people were…
Read MoreLuke 4:1-13 Today’s Gospel begins where the Gospel from several weeks ago ended. Back in January we celebrated the feast of Jesus’ baptism. The Holy Spirit had descended upon him, looking…
Read MoreImagine what this day in Jesus’ life must have been for him. He has just taken part in a purification ritual that John, his cousin, does with the people. Jesus…
Read MoreHere we are, on the last Sunday of the liturgical year, celebrating Christ as king. For some of us, “king” may carry negative connotations — kings and their subjects, power…
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