Happy New Year from Loretto!
Posted on December 30, 2024, by Loretto Community
In every journey there is a hidden space for you to discover. Perhaps God is creating it for you now. Maybe it’s a new road to travel. Or perhaps it is discovering new gifts you have just found. Maybe it is a search for a sacred place. If you are in Kentucky, many roads lead to Loretto Motherhouse. You are most welcome to visit! In this season however, snow can fill our quiet road up the hill, so take great care as you make your way. Prepare your soul, prepare your heart and prepare your tires! Grace will enfold you there. Peace will embrace you. Love will welcome you. As Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, prayed, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by our God would be fulfilled.” That same prayer is spoken to you. Follow the signs this New Year. Make maps that bring you to the journey you hope for. It waits for you.
For more than 200 years, Loretto has stood with Mary at the foot of the cross, striving “to bring the healing spirit of God into our world” and committing “ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression and deprivation of dignity.” (Commentary to I Am the Way, #33).
The work continues, and, we’re proud to say, so do we. Let us persist in being people of hope, in line with Pope Francis’s motto for Jubilee 2025.
We wish you all a Happy New Year and invite you to join with us in 2025 as we continue to proclaim the transforming love of God to all people.