Letters, Sign-On Letters and Petitions: Two Months of Public Statements
Posted on December 1, 2017, by Loretto Community
Following is a list of letters and petitions signed by Loretto President Pearl McGivney and sent in September and October 2017. They illustrate Pearl’s ongoing representation of the Loretto Community.
- Public comment to the Department of Education requesting upholding and enforcing Title IX guidance on campus sexual assault (9/1/17)
- Petition to Congress against proposed Social Security cuts (9/1/17)
- Open letter from Loretto Community against DACA suspension (9/6/17)
- Petition to the House against H.R. 2423 and in support of protecting Utah’s Red Cliffs Conservation Area and other public lands (9/17/17)
- Petition to Congress in support of the Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act which would allow gun violence victims to bring lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers (9/18/17)
- Sign-on to faith-based organizations’ letter to Congress in support of passing DACA (9/19/17)
- Petition to Congress re: passing a stand-alone DREAM Act (9/19/17)
- Petition to the Senate Judiciary Committee re: Republican judicial appointments (9/19/17)
- Petition to Congress re: Hurricane and debt relief for Puerto Rico (10/2/17)
- Petition to U.S. President, Congress re: gun control — banning weapons of war, closing gun show loopholes, regulating gun ownership (10/3/17)
- Petition to Congress re: Puerto Rico relief package through aid and grants (10/3/17)
- Petition to Congress re: blocking legislation to deregulate gun silencers and armor-piercing bullets, and legislation to broaden and reciprocate concealed-carry laws; request to ban assault weapons (10/2017)
- Sign-on to faith-based organizations’ letter to Congress opposing DACA’s termination (10/5/17)
- Petition to Congress opposing Medicare cuts (10/2017)
- Sign-on to Interfaith Dream Act letter to Congress in support of passing the Dream Act (S.1615/H.R. 3440) (10/12/17)
- Comment to Department of Homeland Security opposing the Administration’s surveillance of immigrants (10/12/17)
- Petition to Congress in support of funding CHIP (Children’s Healthcare Insurance Program) (10/13/17)
- Petition to Congressional Democrats re: upholding the Iran nuclear agreement and not imposing sanctions on Iran (10/16/17)
- Petition to Senate Democrats opposing funding cuts to climate-change related budget cuts (10/17/17)
- Faith-based organizations’ call to U.S. banks to cease fossil-fuel financing (10/18/17)
- Petition to Congress in support of the Protecting Workers and Improving Labor Standards Act (10/25/17)
- Petition to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission opposing funding to subsidize coal and nuclear plants (10/25/17)
- Letter to Speaker Paul Ryan concerning an ethical budget in line with his Catholic faith (10/2017)
- Petition to Congress supporting H.R. 1987 establishing an Oversight Commission on
- Presidential Capacity to examine the fitness of a president for office (10/26/17)
- Petition to National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins supporting renewed funding for gun violence research (10/27/17)