Loretto Welcomes All Students Back to School!
Posted on August 29, 2021, by Loretto Community

Photo courtesy of Katie Martinez
I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, #7, tells us, “We continue to extend the boundaries of learning and justice, of human dignity and peace, of active faith and pastoral concern through works of education.”
Writer and teacher Parker Palmer wrote a compelling book “Let Your Life Speak.” The title is based on a Quaker admonition, “Let the highest truths and values guide everything you do.” From Loretto’s earliest foundation, our charism of loving services, grounded in education on every level, guides our mission. Our expression of teaching is broader now, helping us to better support the world in which we live today. You will see Loretto in schools, prisons, picket lines, ecology groups, day care centers and many more places. We have let our life speak, and this has taught us the true calling of our lives.
This week, in honor of Loretto’s original mission to respond to the needs of children in the areas of education and religious formation, Loretto wishes to welcome back all students returning to their classrooms after the summer break. We want to recognize, in particular, those students who are attending schools with longtime Loretto connections. As the new school year begins, may you all be blessed with healthy study habits, good friendships, interesting subject matter and great teachers, all grounded in the Loretto values of faith, community, justice and respect.