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Famous Loretto Grads Reflect Wonderful Works of God

Posted on August 22, 2021, by Loretto Community

I will now recount the wonderful works of God and tell you what I have seen.

Sirach 42:15

This week on Loretto’s Facebook page we will spotlight a few of the myriad famous graduates of Loretto-connected schools. These gifted Loretto graduates reflect the values of the Loretto Community, and through their life commitments in their chosen fields have recounted the wonderful works of God.

Word art consisting of different values of the Loretto Community

These highlighted graduates are a generous gift to a world in need of positive energy, reflective thinking and committed service. They stand, as American author, educator and activist Parker Palmer has written, “on the brink of everything.” And their work has made our life, our society, our country, safer and more just. Each grad named could claim Loretto’s mission statement, “We work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.”

A newspaper might call these famous graduates “persons of interest.” Loretto calls them part of our family, wonderful women who have lived and worked in a values-centered way and made a difference. Are there more women, and men, we would describe this way? You bet! It certainly is a pleasure for us to honor and acknowledge these famous graduates. Yet we know there are thousands of Loretto grads just like them who live out the “wonderful works of God.” We are proud of them all.

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