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Spotlight on Loretto Link

Posted on August 16, 2021, by Loretto Community

The 200-plus year history of Loretto inspired a small group of Loretto members in 2012 to start thinking and talking about the future. This group, initially called “Civil Incorporation,” received 501c3 designation as Loretto Link in 2017, and has grown in membership and purpose since then.

Loretto Link’s stated mission and purpose is as follows: “We believe it is imperative to carry forward the mission and spirit of Loretto in companionship with the Congregation and Community of Loretto in spiritual community with equal participation and voice to all who choose to belong.”

At its first annual meeting in 2018, Loretto Link explored the values of collaborative leadership and decision-making and established operating principles. A discussion, now ongoing, began then on two key questions: “Where is your heart in terms of standing at the foot of the Cross with those who are suffering on the margins?” and “What is the one thing you think Loretto might do to help?” The ideas and suggestions that came from these discussions began the formation of the Working Groups of Loretto Link.

Annual dues for Link membership are $18.12, to match the founding date of Loretto.  This reminds all of the Loretto founders and all the vowed sisters and co-members who have gone before. They, along with the current Loretto Community, provide Loretto Link with a “lasting endowment of hope.”

To learn more about Loretto Link, be sure to visit our website at www.lorettolink.org.

Women holding signs sit amongst others on bleachers at a demonstration in support of immigrant children.
A group of Loretto Link members attend an immigration rally.
Three women sit in a church, conversing.
Loretto Link and Wisdom Group members Donna Hamburg CoL, Mary Ann Lovett CoL and Kim Klein CoL at a Link gathering in the Loretto Motherhouse chapel.
Photo by Paulette Peterson

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