Love Is the Way!
Posted on February 14, 2022, by Loretto Community
Happy Valentine’s Day! Loretto sends a Valentine to you!

There is only one message from God to us, and here it is: “I love you.” God says that to each one of us, to creation, to planets, to animals, to oceans, to plants and every living thing, And we, through our life and choices, our work and our play, our giving and receiving, our questioning and our listening, we say back to God, “I love you right back!” And because we can say that to God we can say it to each other.
When we were all in second grade we made Valentines to give each other. Many were very elaborate with glitter and tiny red hearts, some had felt hearts and gold stars, Christmas ribbons and cut-out words — all surrounded by crayon drawings of big, beautiful red hearts. We made them for our teachers, our parents, classmates and as the years went on, our friends.
At some point in our lives we move from just sending Valentines about love to actually loving. Archbishop Michael Curry spoke about love at Prince Harry and Megan’s wedding. His words flowed from Jesus’ teachings. He told us that Jesus’ sacrifice for the good of others changed lives, for it was not self-centered, it was not selfish, it was all for the well-being of the world.
He asked us all to imagine homes and families where love is their daily life;. Communities where no child goes to bed hungry. People who treat each other like good neighbors. Governments that actually sit down and talk to each other. And, after hearing Jesus’ words, ‘love one another,’ that we all do it. Archbishop Curry’s words were honest, human and hopeful. May we take them to heart.
“No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love.” (1 Cor.2: 9)
Consider this web post a Valentine from Loretto to you, our visitors to this site, be you Loretto friends, acquaintances or those who simply stumbled onto this post. We invite you to visit Loretto’s Facebook page this week for reflections from Loretto members. They will share what they love about being a Loretto member.