Motherhouse Concert Series
The Motherhouse Concert Series, now numbering more than several hundred concerts, began in March 1995 when pianist and professor Alice Eugene Tighe gave the Motherhouse church a Steinway piano that had been a gift to her from a former student. Mary Swain, believing that this splendid instrument should be shared, inquired whether anyone at the University of Louisville School of Music might wish to come to Loretto to play the piano. Professor Naomi Oliphant replied affirmatively, so she and Peter McHugh, both of whom would subsequently perform here numerous times, gave the church’s initial concert, violin – piano, on April 24, 1995.

Since then, musicians from that school as well as Campbellsville University, Indiana University, and several other professional backgrounds have requested the opportunity to perform at the Motherhouse. Mary does not recruit the players, but welcomes those who contact her, scheduling their appearances and making all the necessary arrangements.
“They are attracted by the church’s excellent acoustics,” Mary says, “and, I think, by the simple but rather eloquent ambiance as well as by the appreciative audiences. In addition to the listeners who attend in person, there’s a wider audience through closed circuit TV in the infirmary.” Before each concert Mary notifies an e-mail roster of friends and neighbors who are grateful for the chance to hear the classic programs. The musicians are not paid, and, of course, there is no admission charge. But the warm and welcoming spirit of those in the church is evident among those who linger to congratulate and chat with the musicians after each event.
All concerts are free and open to the public. Please join us. See our calendar for a listing of Motherhouse Concerts.
Excerpts above taken from an Interchange article written by Cecily Jones.