Racism, Migration and Climate Crises: Three Great Challenges of Our Time
Posted on February 28, 2021, by Loretto Community
“I Am the Way,” the Loretto Constitutions, #66, calls us to do this: “The spirit of the poor proclaimed by the Beatitudes demands more than our generosity and detachment. It does demand these, but it further demands a sharing in the struggle against the evils afflicting our sisters and brothers everywhere.”
The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg once said, “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will bring others to join you.” If anyone of us tries to fight the evils of the world by ourselves, we will fail. Justice Ginsberg’s words ring true. We must do this work together. That is the gift of community.
What footprints do we make as we encounter these three great crises? As noted in “Loretto Life,” a compilation of material to help Loretto record the way values are carried out in the life of the Community, “When we critique tensions in society, we will meet uncertainty, vulnerability and perhaps ambiguity.” Do we embrace those critiques? Yes, with outreach, reconciliation and love.
You are important in the movement to do justice. You are important to speak out against racism, migration and the climate crises. It’s a work that we must do together to create a better future, a future in which we want to live.
How do racism, climate, and migration affect all of us? Join with Loretto and other Catholic women religious congregations this year as we take part in monthly conversations focused on the intersection of racism, migration and climate crisis in the series “Exploring Intersections.” Save these dates! People can join in the discussion live on Zoom or on YouTube, watch the video on their own time, listen to the podcasts or continue the conversation on Facebook. Register here.
“We will use our collective voice, resources and power in collaboration with others to establish justice, which reflects God’s creating love.” (Leadership for Women Religious, Assembly Resolution 2019-2022)