Reflection on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Posted on February 6, 2022, by Elaine Prevallet SL
The story is clear, and it gives us a lot to think about. Jesus wishes his disciples to open themselves to a new way of living, a radical change. They are fishermen, finishing this day of fishing; They are dead tired. They are cleaning their boats, ready to go home. No fish. Jesus is inviting them to something new, something that will make a radical change in their lives.
Notice that, to make the change, the disciples will have to move to deeper water. That changes a lot in the way of fishing. Jesus is really inviting them to leave behind the way of living, something that will make a radical change in their lives. But notice that Jesus is inviting them to change from a life that is not really working for them. Many times they can catch no fish and have nothing to take home to eat at the end of the day.
To what is Jesus inviting them? Jesus tells them it’s not to catch fish, it’s to catch people! What on earth does that mean? Jesus doesn’t explain that to the disciples and he doesn’t explain it to us. Just follow me. We might ponder the question: What might it mean to move to fish in deeper water? We might keep asking, “Whom do we have to catch? Or are we just fishing around?”
We can remember this story – the challenges – the invitation that Jesus gives to his followers: Follow Me. What is this need that lies before us now? Do we seek deeper water? Are we ready to change our fishing apparatus, to recognize which species that are not familiar to us? When Jesus invites us to go fishing with him, do we say, “Ready! Let’s go!”