Relationship of Trust: Loretto-Ghana Sister Community Committee
Posted on December 1, 2016, by Loretto Community
By Lillian Moskeland

Ghana Committee members, from left, are Elise André, Veronica Adomako-Manu FST, Marie Ego, Emily Owusu-Ansah FST, Barbara Roche, Pauline Albin, Lillian Moskeland and Betsy Clute.
(Photo by Peg Jacobs)
To begin our time of contemplation, Elaine Prevallet joined us and shared that the global cultural horizon in our present day is a gift and to encourage us through prayer and reflection to a deep sense of trust. We were all reassured by the Quaker verse: “Thou cannot stray; the path turns with thy feet.” We were encouraged to keep in mind how we can deepen our missions through this committee. Emily and Veronica offered the adapted words of Meister Eckhart: “The seed of God grows into God and so let yourself go and let God be God in you.” Throughout our time together we kept trust of each other and of each other’s communities before us.

Emily Owusu-Ansah FST
Our task was to complete a statement of solidarity for our committees. We worked diligently on developing a strong mission identity statement which we each would take to our communities. Loretto presented the statement to the Forum and the FST sisters took it for approval to their community.
Personally, we grew and strengthened our relationship. We caught up on our countries as well. This is an election year for both of our countries. We each now have a new president, and we both must
keep in mind our history and the work that we do in times of change. We spoke of the hope of some in our committee to be future guests of the FST sisters and discussed what is the best time for such a visit due to climate and the availability to travel to some of the rural areas where Veronica will be working.

Veronica Adomako-Manu FST