

Loretto’s Latin America/Caribbean Committee helps to build relationships with our Hispanic neighbors. As we learn from them and they learn from us, all profit and all recognize that we are all one. Learn more about our mission to reach out beyond boundaries.

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Loretto Back at the Border in 2019

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2019 /
12 hikers stop and smile for a group picture mid-trail on a sunny day.

By Mary Jean Friel and Mary Helen Sandoval The Latin America/Caribbean Committee sponsored a trip to the Mexican border at Nogales, Mexico. We led the excursion. Due to the strong…

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Loretto Delegation Turns Out for 2018 SOA Border Encuentro

By Eileen Harrington CoL / December 1, 2018 /
Protestors smiling for a picture at the U.S.-Mexico border. The protestors have bright signs and are wearing sunglasses.

What does it look like when we as the Loretto Community adopt a resolution, as we did at our 2017 Assembly, prioritizing and committing ourselves to immigration justice? • We…

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A Trip to the Desert: Learning To Serve and Welcome the Stranger

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2018 /
Thirteen diverse people smiling together brightly for a group picture indoors.

By Rosa Lizarde Every border trip is different, and the one this past May to Nogales, Ariz., and Mexico with the Minneapolis-based St. Joan of Arc Church was truly unique.…

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LACC — Why Sanctuary, Why Now?

By Maureen Flanigan / February 1, 2018 /
A young family picture: a mother, father, and three young boys smiling brightly while sitting on their parent's laps.

The Loretto Latin America Caribbean Committee met for a “face-to-face” the first weekend in January with full hearts and a full agenda. The theme of “intention” guided our weekend, pulling…

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Loretto Stands at the Border to Close the School of the Americas

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2017 /
12 women attending an outdoor protest with one banner displayed in between them.

By Paulette Peterson and Mary Ann McGivern Sixteen Loretto Community members, Volunteers and friends joined the Nov. 9 demonstration to advocate for the closing of the School of the Americas,…

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Loretto Supports National Farm Workers Ministry

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2017 /

By Roxanne Monterastelli Carolyn Jarmillo and Rox Monterastelli represented the Latin America Caribbean Committee at the National Farm Workers Ministry winter board meeting in January at FIRM, Fresno (Calif.) Interdenominational…

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Delegation to Venezuela: Sowing Food Sovereignty

By Loretto Community / July 1, 2016 /
15 women smiling together for a group picture indoors.

By Rox Monterastelli(Editor’s Note: Rox Monterastelli participated in the Task Force on the Americas delegation to meet women confronting economic war by empowering a nation. She offers us a mini…

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