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‘Walking Forward Together In Hope’ — Memories

Posted on October 1, 2018, by Loretto Community

Shown above is the rock path with individual names of all at the Assembly.
Photo by Donna Mattingly

By Cathy Smith

Where has the time gone?

Can you believe it was just a few short months ago the Assembly Planning and Trust committees asked us to “breathe in what is best in Loretto”? We were to let go of fear, judgment, cynicism and anything that would prevent us from bringing our best selves to the time together. We were asked to remember all of those who have gone before us. Then each of us made a personal commitment to “Walk Forward Together in Hope” along the unknown path ahead of us as we began Assembly 2018 in Shephersdville, Ky.

Oh … and did we work!

• We elected new leadership.
• We discussed and confirmed many proposals.
• We shared our thoughts and feelings.
• We laughed, debated, ate together.
• We prayed, sang, felt the presence of the Spirit among us.
• And, we enjoyed one another’s company.

The day we spent at the Motherhouse was a special opportunity to renew friendships, visit with classmates and catch up on our busy and not-so-busy lives.

Before leaving Shepherdsville we were asked to continue recalling those most meaningful moments of the connections we made there and all the dear ones gone before us. Each of us took a stone from the path that we had set in the opening ritual to remember the person whose name had been written on the stone throughout the year through prayer or engaging them in conversation or activity. We hope to strengthen the bonds of community among us.

I hope we continue to count on one another’s wisdom, dedication, love and courage in the months and years ahead. And please keep breathing in all that is best in Loretto!

Loretto Community

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