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Donna Day SL

“During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country, in haste, to a town of Judah, where she entered the house and greeted Elizabeth.” We have all…
Read MoreAs I read the readings for today, especially the Gospel’s story of preparing for the end times, I kept looking for a word of hope. It is there if you…
Read MoreDid you ever wonder what we would all look like if we took Jesus’ commands seriously? We might not have a hand or a foot or an eye! Or how…
Read More“The library of the 21st century is active, social, contextual and engaging.” – Dean of University Libraries Laura O. Reim March 7, 2019, marked a historic day in the life…
Read More‘Have only one heart, one soul, one mind.’ Words of Father Charles Nerinckx Dec. 8, 2018, was a special feast day at the Loretto Motherhouse and for Loretto members everywhere.…
Read MoreIt is true…. Community happened here… mission happened here… hospitality happened here… love happened here. “It is true — the doors of the past, which opened onto their own special…
Read More“What we have to be is what we are. But being what we are requires love, gratitude, forgiveness, trust and living with the mystery that surrounds us in community. They…
Read More“It takes a village” to support a village. “They help people no one else will,” writes Kansas City (Mo.)Star reporter Donald Bradley. The Sisters of St. Joseph, Mercy, Notre Dame…
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