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Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.

GSR Reprint: Q & A with Sr. Anna Koop

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2020 /
A woman with short grey hair, wearing a red sweater and blue jeans sitting on a couch in a living room looking out the window candidly.

Editor’s note: When the Global Sisters Report produced a series on women religious working with those who are homeless or living in substandard housing, they could not have chosen a…

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Loretto Community Enhances Life of All Members

By Loretto Community / May 25, 2020 /

We affirm that the greatest asset of the community is the life of every member. “I Am the Way,” Loretto Constitutions, #25 When we are in one another’s presence we…

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Loretto Follows Gospel Call of Service to Others Around the World

By Loretto Community / May 17, 2020 /
A graphic symbolizing community and connection. A blue and green world graphic with different colored hands surrounding it on a black background.

“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”  John: 17:18 Loretto serves throughout the United States and in Lahore, Pakistan, with partnerships in Ghana…

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Loretto Meets Challenge of Bringing Education and the Gospel to Others

By Loretto Community / May 3, 2020 /

“It has been Loretto’s legacy to inherit from Loretto’s early women a spirit of courage and trust and a willingness to meet the challenge of bringing education and the Gospel…

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Bringing the Healing Spirit of God

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2020 /
A woman, Mary Ann Gleason, with short grey hair, glasses, and a pink shirt smiling brightly while embracing her friend from Uganda indoors. The friend is a young female cancer patient with a shaved head wearing cultural yellow and purple clothing.

The following article came from Mary Ann Gleason. It was sent April 4 to Jean Schildz at Jean’s request for submission to The Record, the Catholic newspaper for the Louisville…

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Building Bridges at the Border: Working for Justice, Acting for Peace.

By Loretto Community / April 29, 2020 /

The members of Loretto’s Latin America/Caribbean Committee (LACC) are pleased to share an edited recording and concept note of the LACC event, “Building Bridges at the Border: Working for Justice,…

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Loretto Works With People of Diverse Faiths To Serve Others

By Loretto Community / April 27, 2020 /

We cannot live the Gospel without proximity to those who are vulnerable and marginalized.  Pat Farrell OSF, LCWR past president In the midst of all that divides the world, Loretto…

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Q & A with Sr. Anna Koop, a Catholic Worker ministering to Denver’s homeless

By Loretto Community / April 22, 2020 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on April 21, 2020 “Sr. Anna Koop, a Sister of Loretto, is a Denver-based housing activist who opened the Denver Catholic Worker House in…

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Social Justice While Social Distancing

By Loretto Community / April 20, 2020 /

Published on the Catholic Volunteer Network website – April 20, 2020. Written by Gabriele Eissner, a current Loretto Volunteer. We are living in an unprecedented time. This moment implores us…

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Loretto’s Legacy Resounds as a Grace and Challenge

By Loretto Community / April 19, 2020 /

Loretto’s first members, Mary Rhodes, Christina Stuart and Ann Havern, began their religious life together on April 25, 1812, a day celebrated as Loretto Foundation Day each year. From the…

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Unchanging community resistance amid the COVID-19 crisis

By Loretto Community / April 15, 2020 /

Published in the Global Sisters Report – April 15, 2020. Written by current Loretto Volunteer Celine Reinoso about her and her housemates’ experience volunteering in El Paso during the coronavirus…

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Loretto Values an Attentive Relationship with Earth

By Loretto Community / April 13, 2020 /

Standing in solidarity with Earth is more than a ministry or special project. It is a way of being, a mindset that recognizes our human dependence on the larger whole. …

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