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Nasreen Daniel SL

Nasreen Daniel SL serves in her home country of Pakistan, along with Loretto Sisters Maria Daniel and Samina Iqbal. In 2009, they began Loretto’s Pakistan mission, initially working in Faisalabad. Since then, at the invitation of Bishop Sebastian Francis Shaw, they moved the Loretto mission to Lahore.

Pakistan Sisters Share Vegetables, Love Through Garden Bounty

By Nasreen Daniel SL / September 1, 2019 /
Two women smiling while preoccupied with harvesting leafy greens in an outdoor garden on a sunny day.

Every year we grow different vegetables and share them with our neighbors. Last year when I was at the Motherhouse, Nancy Wittwer very generously offered to help me to buy…

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Nasreen Daniel Offers Thanks from Pakistan to Loretto Schools

By Nasreen Daniel SL / December 1, 2018 /
A woman teaching children sitting on the floor in a classroom.

It had always been my desire to visit our Loretto schools in the United States and thank each person personally for their sensitivity to the needs of those who are…

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Death of a ‘Twin’

By Nasreen Daniel SL / September 1, 2018 /
Four women wearing white robes smiling together for a group picture while sitting in a dark room on the floor.

What a blessing and honor for us to participate in the wake and the life celebration in a Mass at the Motherhouse of Elaine Satterwhite. How kind of Elaine’s nephew,…

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