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Mission: Motherhouse Land Contributes to Climate Solutions

By Susan Classen CoL / March 1, 2018 /
A picture looking up a tall tree with orange leaves surrounded by trees with green and yellow leaves signifies the beginning of fall.

I am intrigued by what I am learning about the role of land in mitigating climate change. Actually, challenged would be more accurate. I have been actively involved in fighting…

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“A small spot of land …” (Part 1)

By Loretto Community / February 22, 2018 /

By Betty Lyn Parker The Heritage Center has a beautifully conserved print of Little Loretto, the original home of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross.  My…

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Imelda Wallace and Old Mrs. Sullivan’s Curse

By Loretto Community / February 8, 2018 /

By Laurel Wilson As I process the personal papers that sisters donated to the archives, I learn about the varied lives and careers that Sisters of Loretto have had. One…

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Loretto Co-member Joins in Honolulu Nuclear Siren Protest

By Loretto Community / February 5, 2018 /

Loretto Co-member Rosemary Casey shared the photos with this post of her taking part in a recent nuclear siren protest in Honolulu, where she resides. The “Campaign NonViolence: Building a…

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Loretto Honors Denver Center’s Legacy

By Mary Nelle Gage SL / February 1, 2018 /
A church service with attendees standing and singing together while reading booklets.

More than 100 Loretto Community members and friends, celebrated the 53-year legacy of the Denver Loretto Center on Dec. 8, 2017. Father Marty Lally concelebrated the Loretto feast day Mass…

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LACC — Why Sanctuary, Why Now?

By Maureen Flanigan / February 1, 2018 /
A young family picture: a mother, father, and three young boys smiling brightly while sitting on their parent's laps.

The Loretto Latin America Caribbean Committee met for a “face-to-face” the first weekend in January with full hearts and a full agenda. The theme of “intention” guided our weekend, pulling…

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Pakistan News: The Netherlands to Lahore

By Mary Helen Sandoval CoL / February 1, 2018 /
A young woman sitting in between an older man and woman on a couch with Christmas-themed stuffed animals sitting above them on the edge of the couch.

Maria Daniel is in the Netherlands working on her doctorate. Before the holidays her dissertation topic was approved. In it she will compare the educational system in Pakistan with that…

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Simple Beauty Enhances First Green Burial at Motherhouse

By Sister Anndavid Naeger SL / February 1, 2018 /
A priest blessing a corpse before it is lowered into it's grave in a wooded forest with numerous attendees surrounding the ceremony wearing big coats.

In a November 2016 article for Interchange, Cecily Jones wrote, “… interest in a natural burial (formaldehyde-free preparation of the body; a biodegradable coffin or container; perhaps only a shroud)…

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Desperate Times Turn into Heartfelt, Overflowing Gratitude

By Mary Margaret Murphy SL / February 1, 2018 /
A woman with short grey hair standing in a white doorway smiling for a picture indoors.

Early in 2017, because of funding priority changes, Villa Maria was faced with a $60,000 budget deficit. The pass-through HUD funds that come to the City of El Paso were…

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Ann Wall Richards Celebrates Her Co-membership

By Anna Koop SL / February 1, 2018 /
Two women, both with short grey hair and wire-framed glasses smiling brightly together for a picture together indoors. One woman has her arm around her friend's shoulder.

The dining room at the Loretto Center was filled with friends and family of Ann Wall Richards this past Dec. 19. Ann had completed the process for becoming a co-member…

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Saying ‘Yes’ Again

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2018 /

A group of Loretto sisters renewed their vows at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass this past Dec. 8 at Nerinx Hall. Co-members joined in renewing their commitment of…

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Our First Archivist, M. Antonella Hardy

By Loretto Community / January 18, 2018 /

By Katie Santa Ana This article marks a first for the Loretto Heritage Center, posting from Nerinx, Kentucky: the inaugural post for our new blog, LOREtto. Through this platform, we…

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