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Celebrating Pam Morgan, Loretto’s newest co-member

Posted on September 1, 2023, by Leslee Moore CoL

Barbara Nicholas accepts Pam Morgan’s co-membership commitment.
Photo by Earna Volk

“Good afternoon; this is Pam from the office.” With those words, Pam Morgan drew a chuckle from those gathered on Aug. 5 in the Motherhouse Church for her co-membership celebration. Pam is the receptionist at the Motherhouse, and those words have been heard by nearly everyone there. In her remarks, Pam went on to say that she had come to understand a few things during her process: “You are always good enough even when you doubt yourself the most; other people always see more in us than we see in ourselves; it doesn’t matter about your education, background or religion; it’s not sisters and co-members, but family.”

Pam Morgan with son Larry, daughter Kari, and granddaughter Addy.
Photo by Donna Mattingly

Pam and I had met before the co-membership team paired us together, but we didn’t know each other well. That changed quickly as the Motherhouse Community made sure I understood just how special Pam is. Once word spread that I was her contact person, first it was the telephone calls and emails; then folks pulled me aside in the dining room, the hallway, the parking lot. All the messages were the same: “Pam is a good person, and I love her. If there is anything she needs during her process, I am here for her.” The support was overwhelming, and rather than being limited to a single contact person, Pam had about 90!

Pam’s I Am The Way group continues to meet monthly even though the study of the constitutions finished some time ago. Pam also has been an active intern on the Ghana Committee and the Hunger Fund. She does this while continuing to bring joy and comfort to those whose lives she touches day in and day out on the Motherhouse campus and beyond.

Leslee Moore and Pam Morgan pause for a photo.

In accepting Pam’s commitment, Barbara Nicholas said, “In your application to become a co-member, you wrote so beautifully about what this means to you and what you bring to the Loretto Community. I quote, ‘I want to be a member of something that just accepts you for who you are regardless of your race, religion or your past. I agree to help be a positive co-member and encourage people that are having a hard time or just need a laugh. I will give of my time and energy for what comes my way.’ Your statement of commitment reminds us of Article #11 in the Loretto constitutions, I Am the Way, ‘Loretto came to be and comes to be through the creative Spirit of God, whose grace worked powerfully in our founders and continues to work in the Community as a whole and in each of its members.’ Each one!”

Welcome to the Loretto Community, Pam!

Leslee Moore CoL

Leslee Moore CoL has been an active volunteer, including serving as an intern on Loretto’s Pakistan Committee and assisting at Loretto Archives. She resides in Lexington, Ky.
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