Home » Features » George McShea Fits Well Into Loretto

George McShea Fits Well Into Loretto

Posted on October 1, 2016, by Loretto Community

George McShea is not new to Loretto. That, however, is common among new co-members. Friends, relatives and co-workers are drawn to Loretto. In George’s case, he is the husband of a co-member, Pat McShea, and they have been married for 42 years. Also, they are friends with many Loretto members and have been involved in social action with Loretto for a long time. Both Pat McCormick and Anna Koop are good friends and supporters, keeping George aware of Loretto activities.

Pat and George live in Littleton, Colo., where they are busy with family and friends and are engaged with Loretto. They participate in JustFaith, a social justice educational program.

They have taught confirmation and marriage preparation classes. George frequently sings and leads the singing for Mass at Sacred Heart Retreat House. Another of George’s interests is Denver Pax Christi. All of these works attest to George’s dedication to peace and justice.

Son Michael is a history teacher at Littleton High School and is married to Karin, an environmental biologist. Daughter Joyenne is a bilingual speech/language therapist at Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colo. She is married to Ariel Dupuys, who is a certified welder and is from Argentina. Another daughter is Lina Escobar Boldt, “adopted” from Medellin, Colombia. Lina lived with the family while earning a master’s degree at Regis in Denver. She is married and has a daughter, Sophia. The bond among all the family members is very strong.

It is easy to see why George fits so well into Loretto. Actually, he has fit in for many years before formalizing his co-membership.

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