God has called Loretto. Loretto has responded. Praise God!
Posted on August 14, 2023, by Loretto Community

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The Sisters of Loretto have an important statement on the very first page of its Constitutions. It reads, “The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life approves these constitutions.” And on the last page of the document it reads, “These constitutions express the manner in which the mission of Loretto is incorporated into the universal mission of the Church.”
What does it all mean, this very formal language? It simply means that Loretto members have a call from God. A call that grounds the Congregation “to an ever-deeper commitment to their life in accordance with the spirit of the Founders and under the constant protection of Mary at the foot of the cross.” This is both challenge and gift, a commitment and covenant. This covenant is a relationship with God, through the Church, much like a marriage or deep friendship covenant. It began in 1812 and with nourishment from God and commitment from within each person who belongs, it hopes to last forever.
Elaine Marie Prevallet SL tells us, “At the deepest level the call from God frees us. It enables us to see what really matters, to focus our love, to dedicate ourselves to something/Someone larger than ourselves.” (Excerpt from “Minding the Call,” Weavings. May 1996)
God has called Loretto. Loretto has responded. Praise God!