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Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year from Loretto!

Posted on December 26, 2022, by Loretto Community

Loretto honors the African and African–American communities as the celebration of Kwanzaa begins. This seven-day festival takes place each year Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. Kwanzaa is a Swahili term which means “first fruits of the harvest.” It is related to harvest festivals and honors particular principles fundamental in supporting strong, productive communities. 

Kwanzaa was founded in early 1960 by Maulana Karenga, professor of Black studies at Cal State University. He was an activist empowering Black National Movements and those in the Black community to reconnect with their culture. On each night of Kwanzaa a candle is lit honoring the seven principles of African heritage: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith. Loretto wishes a joyous Kwanzaa to all in the Black Community!

A woman takes a selfie with a huge, beautifully lit Christmas tree in the square behind her.
Photo courtesy of Mary Ann McGivern SL

As the year comes to an end, the Loretto Community invites you to read the theology of the great Christmas homily as written in the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 1–18. You will hear it read in Christian churches across the world on Christmas. Many of the verses may be familiar to you, such as the following: “In the beginning was the Word. All things came to be through him, without him nothing came to be. From his fullness we have all received. He has made his dwelling among us.”

What word will speak to you? What meaning for your life will you hear? The child born in Bethlehem invites us to be a seeker after God. Christians do not have all the answers. We search, we look to our neighbors, our families, our communities for insights into the God among us. We learn, we pray, we open ourselves to the cosmic story still being told. We soon find out that Jesus has made his dwelling among us and now calls us to live in the light, to share our gifts with one another, bringing each other into this Word we treasure so deeply. Christ comes to birth wherever and whenever we are. 

Loretto invites you to our Facebook page this week as Community members share New Year’s resolutions and wishes!

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