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Honor Dr. King: End Racism!

Posted on January 17, 2022, by Loretto Community

A young boy grows up in the era of segregation, a young man is moved into leadership in the civil rights movement, an educated leader works through painful moments believing his message of non-violence is right — all this is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and more.

This year, like so many previously, Loretto members are once again participating in MLK Day tributes. In doing so, they, like all who take part, celebrate Dr. King’s legacy while continuing to pursue his dream that all people be judged on who they are as persons and not on the color of their skins. They do so in the hope that even in these difficult times we continue to honor him and our fight for true equality of all people.

Placard reading "Honor King: End Racism!"
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was in Memphis to support striking sanitation workers when he was assassinated. This placard was mass produced for the march posthumously. At the bottom of the poster it says, “Allied printing Trades Council, 8 April 1968.”
Poster image from The New York Public Library

Dr. King was born on Jan.15, 1929, in Atlanta. His leadership in the service of peace and justice spanned only 16 years, but he became the most visible leader in the civil rights movement in America. A national holiday honoring Dr. King was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. 

The chapter on “mission” in I Am The Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, reads, “We strive to bring the healing Spirit of God into our world. We commit ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression, and deprivation of dignity.”

Honoring Dr. King calls us all to see what is happening around us and what needs changing as we hear God’s call to read the signs of the times and respond. Ours must be work that supports a spirituality of peace and global interconnectedness, being one with the people we serve. We must improve the conditions of those who suffer.

Dr. King gave many testimonies in his preaching. He was influenced by the Gospels, learned in his Baptist churches through word, song and action. His preaching continued through the 16 short years of ministry as he often quoted St. Paul in Gal. 2:20, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me!” Dr. King translated those words into prophetic action working for peace and justice for all. May we all do our best to do so, too.


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